Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/494

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

93 STAT. 462

PUBLIC LAW 96-70—SEPT. 27, 1979 (b) If the individual appointed as Administrator, Deputy Administrator, or Chief Engineer of the Commission is a member of a uniformed service, the amount of basic pay otherwise payable to the individual for service in that position shall be reduced, up to the amount of that basic pay, by the amount of the basic pay payable to the individual as a member of a uniformed service. (c) The Commission shall annually pay to each uniformed service amounts sufficient to reimburse that uniformed service for any basic pay paid by that uniformed service to any member of that service during any period of service in the Commission by the member. DEDUCTION FROM BASIC PAY OF AMOUNTS DUE FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES

22 USC 3645.

SEC. 1205. The Commission may deduct from the basic pay otherwise payable by the Commission to any officer or employee of the Commission any amount due from the officer or employee to the Commission or to any contractor of the Commission for transportation, board, supplies, or any other service. Any amount so deducted may be paid by the Commission to any contractor to whom it is due or may be credited by the Commission to any appropriation from which the Commission has expended such amount. COST OF LIVING ALLOWANCE

22 USC 3646.

SEC. 1206. Effective beginning October 1, 1984, each officer and employee of the Commission who is a citizen of the United States and was employed by the Panama Canal Company or the Canal Zone Government on September 30, 1979, or who is an individual of any nationality recruited outside the Republic of Panama after September 30, 1979, may be paid an allowance to offset any increased cost of living which may result from the termination of the eligibility of the officer or employee and his dependents to use military postal services, sales stores, and exchanges. The amount of the allowance may be determined by the Commission. E D U C A T I O N A L TRAVEL BENEFITS

22 USC 3647.

SEC. 1207. (a) The Commission shall provide by regulation for round-trip transportation between the Republic of Panama and the United States or, in the case of an employee described in paragraph (2) of this subsection, between the Republic of Panama and the country in which such employee is recruited, for undergraduate college education for dependents of employees of the Commission who— (1) are United States citizens who were employed by the Panama Canal Company or the Canal Zone Government on September 30, 1979, or (2) are recruited outside the Republic of Panama after that date. (b) The regulations prescribed by the Commission under this section shall— (1) provide eligibility requirements which must be met by such dependents to qualify for transportation under this section, including a requirement that all eligible dependents must be under 23 years of age; and (2) limit the transportation provided to one round trip during any one-year period.