Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/650

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

93 STAT. 618

Major medical equipment, donations and

Osteopathic or allopathic facility. 42 USC 300n-l.

42 USC 300/-2. 42 USC 300m-2.

PUBLIC LAW 96-79—OCT. 4, 1979

notify the State Agency of the State in which such facility is located of such person's intent to acquire such facility and of the services to be offered in the facility and its bed capacity. Such notice shall be made in writing and shall be made at least thirty days before contractual arrangements are entered into to acquire the facility with respect to which the notice is given. "(e)(1)(A) Except as provided in subsection (b) and subparagraph (B), under the program a certificate of need shall not be required for the acquisition of major medical equipment which will not be owned by or located in a health care facility unless— "(i) the notice required by paragraph (2) is not filed in accordance with that paragraph with respect to such acquisition, or "(ii) the State Agency finds, within thirty days after the date it receives a notice in accordance with paragraph (2) with respect to such acquisition, that the equipment will be used to provide services for inpatients of a hospital. "(B) The certificate of need program of a State may include a requirement for a certificate of need for an acquisition of major medical equipment which requirement is in addition to the requirement for a certificate of need established by subparagraph (A), except that after September 30, 1982, the certificate of need program of a State may not be changed to include any such additional requirement. "(2) Before any person enters into a contractual arrangement to acquire major medical equipment which will not be owned by or located in a health care facility, such person shall notify the State Agency of the State in which such equipment will be located of such person's intent to acquire such equipment and of the use that will be made of the equipment. Such notice shall be made in writing and shall be made at least thirty days before contractual arrangements are entered into to acquire the equipment with respect to which the notice is given. "(3) For purposes of this subsection, donations and leases of major medical equipment shall be considered acquisitions of such equipment, and an acqusition of medical equipment through a transfer of it for less than fair market value shall be considered an acquisition of maior medical equipment if its fair market value is at least $150,000. (f) Notwithstanding section 1532(c), when an application is made by an osteopathic or allopathic facility for a certificate of need to construct, expand, or modernize a health care facility, acquire major medical equipment, or add services, the need for that construction, expansion, modernization, acquisition of equipment, or addition of services shall be considered on the basis of the need for and the availability in the community of services and facilities for osteopathic and allopathic physicians and their patients. The State Agency shall consider the application in terms of its impact on existing and proposed institutional training programs for doctors of osteopathy and medicine at the student, internship, and residency training levels. "(g) In approving or disapproving applications for certificates of need or in withdrawing certificates of need under such a program, a State Agency shall take into account recommendations made by health systems agencies within the State under section 1513(f).'. (b)(1) Section 1523(a)(4)(B) is amended (A) by striking out "new institutional health services proposed to be offered or developed within the State" and inserting in lieu thereof "the obligation of capital expenditures within the State and the offering within the State of new institutional health services and the acquisition of major medical equipment", and (B) by striking out "which is satisfactory to