Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 1.djvu/282

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 232

PUBLIC LAW 96-223—APR. 2, 1980 deducted as expenses for purposes of this title (other than this paragraph). Such term shall not include costs incurred in drilling a nonproductive well. "(E) ELECTION TO CAPITAUZE QUALIFIED TERTIARY INJECTANT EXPENSES.^

"(i) IN GENERAL.—Any taxpayer may elect, with respect to any property, to capitalize qualified tertiary injectant expenses for purposes of this paragraph. Any such election shall apply to all qualified tertiary injectant expenses allocable to the property for which the election is made, and may be revoked only with the consent of the Secretary. Any such election shall be made at such time and in such manner as the Secretary shall by regulations prescribe. "(ii) QUALIFIED TERTIARY INJECTANT EXPENSES.—The

Post, p. 286.

term 'qualified tertiary injectant expenses' means any expense allowable as a deduction under section 193. "(4) SPECIAL RULE FOR APPLYING PARAGRAPH (3)(C) TO CERTAIN TRANSFERS OF PROVEN OIL OR GAS PROPERTIES.—

26 USC 613A.

"(A) IN GENERAL.—In the case of any proven oil or gas property transfer which (but for this subparagraph), would result in an increase in the amount determined under paragraph (3)(C) with respect to the transferee, paragraph (3)(C) shall be applied with respect to the transferee by taking into account only those amounts which would have been allowable with respect to the transferor under paragraph (3)(C) and those costs incurred during periods after such transfer. "(B) PROVEN OIL OR GAS PROPERTY TRANSFER.—For purposes of subparagraph (A), the term 'proven oil or gas property transfer' means any transfer (including the subleasing of a lease or the creation of a production payment which gives the transferee an economic interest in the property) after 1978 of an interest (including an interest in a partnership or trust) in any proven oil or gas property (within the meaning of section 613A(c)(9)(A)). "(5) SPECIAL RULE WHERE THERE IS PRODUCTION PAYMENT.—For

26 USC 103. 26 USC 613.

purposes of paragraph (2), if any portion of the taxable crude oil removed from the property is applied in discharge of a production payment, the gross income from such portion shall be included in the gross income from the property of both the person holding such production payment and the person holding the interest from which such production payment was created. "(c) REMOVAL PRICE.—For purposes of this chapter— "(1) IN GENERAL.—Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the term 'removal price' means the amount for which the barrel is sold. "(2) SALES BETWEEN RELATED PERSONS.—In the case of a sale between related persons (within the meaning of section 103(b)(6)(C)), the removal price shall not be less than the constructive sales price for purposes of determining gross income from the property under section 613. "(3) OIL REMOVED FROM PREMISES BEFORE SALE.—If crude oil is removed from the premises before it is sold, the removal price shall be the constructive ssdes price for purposes of determining gross income from the property under section 613.