Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 1.djvu/522

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 472

42 USC 1382.

42 USC 1382b.

42 USC 1382a.

Information and documentation respecting sponsor.

Sponsor and alien, liability for overpayment.

PUBLIC LAW 96-265—JUNE 9, 1980 spouse is living with the sponsor), other than such alien and such alien's spouse. "(C) The amount of income which shall be deemed to be unearned income of such alien shall be at a yearly rate equal to the amount determined under subparagraph (B). The period for determination of such amount shall be the same as the period for determination of benefits under section 1611(c). "(2) The amount of resources of a sponsor (and his spouse) which shall be deemed to be the resources of an alien for any year shall be determined as follows: "(A) The total amount of the resources (as determined under section 1613) of such sponsor and such sponsor's spouse (if such spouse is living with the sponsor) shall be determined, "(B) The amount determined under subparagraph (A) shall be reduced by an amount equal to (i) $1,500 in the case of a sponsor who has no spouse with whom he is living, or (ii) $2,250 in the case of a sponsor who has a spouse with whom he is living. "(C) The resources of such sponsor (and spouse) as determined under subparagraphs (A) and (B) shall be deemed to be resources of such alien in addition to any resources of such alien. "(c) In determining the amount of income of an alien during the period of three years after such alien's entry into the United States, the reduction in dollar amounts otherwise required under section 1612(a)(2)(A)(i) shall not be applicable if such alien is living in the household of a person who is a sponsor (or such sponsor's spouse) of such alien, and is receiving support and maintenance in kind from such sponsor (or spouse), nor shall support or maintenance furnished in cash or kind to an alien by such alien's sponsor (to the extent that it reflects income or resources which were taken into account in determining the amount of income and resources to be deemed to the alien under subsection (a) or (b)) be considered to be income of such alien under section 1612(a)(2)(A). "(d)(1) Any individual who is an alien shall, during the period of three years after entry into the United States, in order to be an eligible individual or eligible spouse for purposes of this title, be required to provide to the Secretary such information and documentation with respect to his sponsor as may be necessary in order for the Secretary to make any determination required under this section, and to obtain any cooperation from such sponsor necessary for any such determination. Such alien shall also be required to provide to the Secretary such information and documentation as the Secretary may request and which such alien or his sponsor provided in support of such alien's immigration application. "(2) The Secretary shall enter into agreements with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General whereby any information available to such persons and required in order to make any determination under this section will be provided by such persons to the Secretary, and whereby such persons shall inform any sponsor of an alien, at the time such sponsor executes an affidavit of support or similar agreement, of the requirements imposed by this section. "(e) Any sponsor of an alien, and such alien, shall be jointly and severably liable for an amount equal to any overpayment made to such alien during the period of three years after such alien's entry into the United States, on account of such sponsor's failure to provide correct information under the provisions of this section, except where such sponsor was without fault, or where good cause for such failure existed. Any such overpayment which is not repaid to the Secretary