Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/1191

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

PUBLIC LAW 96-487—DEC. 2, 1980

94 STAT. 2469

Alaska with respect to those changes in laws, policies, and programs relating to publicly owned lands and resources which the Council deems necessary; (E) to make recommendations to appropriate officials of the governments of the United States and the State of Alaska with respect to the inventory, planning, classification, management, and use of Federal and State lands, respectively, and to provide such assistance to Native Corporations upon their request; (F) to make recommendations to appropriate officials of the governments of the United States and the State of Alaska with respect to needed modifications in existing withdrawals of Federal and State lands; and (G) to make recommendations to appropriate officials of the governments of the United States and the State of Alaska with respect to the programs and budgets of Federal and State agencies responsible for the administration of Federal and State lands; and (H) to make recommendations to appropriate officials of the governments of the United States, the State of Alaska, and Native Corporations for land exchanges between or among them, (j) COOPERATIVE PLANNING.—

(1) The Council shall recommend cooperative planning zones, consisting of areas of the State in which the management of lands or resources by one member materially affects the management of lands or resources of another member or members including, but not limited to, such areas as the Northwest Arctic, the North Slope, and Bristol Bay. Federal members of the Council are authorized and encouraged to enter into cooperative agreements with Federal agencies, with State and local agencies, and with Native Corporations providing for mutual consultation, review, and coordination of resource management plans and programs within such zones. (2) With respect to lands, waters, and interests therein which are subject to a cooperative agreement in accordance with this subsection, the Secretary, in addition to any requirement of applicable law, may provide technical and other assistance to the landowner with respect to fire control, trespass control, law enforcement, resource use, and planning. Such assistance may be provided without reimbursement if the Secretary determines that to do so would further the purposes of the cooperative agreement and would be in the public interest. (3) Cooperative agreements established pursuant to this section shall include a plan for public participation consistent with the guidelines established by the Council pursuant to subsection (m). (k) NoNACCEPTANCE OF COUNCIL RECOMMENDATIONS.—If any Federal or State agency does not accept a recommendation made by the Council pursuant to subsection (i) or (j), such agency, within thirty days of receipt of the recommendation, shall inform the Council, in writing, of its reason for such action. (1) TERMINATION.—Unless extended by the Congress, the Council shall terminate ten years after the date of enactment of this Act. No later than one year prior to its termination date, the Cochairmen shall submit in writing to the Congress a report on the accomplishments of the Council together with their recommendations as to whether the Council should be extended or any other recommenda-

Cooperative agreements.

Report to Congress.