Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 3.djvu/1063

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 3707

PROCLAMATION 4712—JAN. 11, 1980 Slagedfale Modifications o( Ihe TariH Schedules ot the United Stales Each rate m the lollowing table, lof an item m the Tariff Schedules ot I h e United'States (TSUS) identified therein, is inserted m column numbered 1 in such item, effective tor articles provided for therein which are entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on and after the date at the head of the column in which such rate is set forth and. except for rates in the final column, such rate shall be superseded by the rate for that item in the immediately following column, effective for articles which are entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on and after the date at the head of such latter column Item in TSUS as modified by Annex 1 146 42 152 00 161 43 161 65 168 12 188 13 170 63 18249 184 85 193 10 253 20 661 68 664 10 686 04 702 25

702 35 702 40

Rates of duty, effective on and after January 1 — Rate from which staged 3.5S ad val 7% ad val 9c per lb 1 5e per lb 94«pet proof gal 94«per proof gal $1 06 per lb 4 6% ad val 10% ad val 7 5 S ad val 6« per lb 4 7% ad val 6% ad val 5% ad val 8 5% ad val 85« per doz »8 5%ad val 6 25% ad val 6c per doz f 5%ad val

1960 3 1 % ad val 6 5% ad val 7 8c per lb 1 3c per lb 76c per proof gal 76c per proof gal 9SC per lb 4 4 6% ad val 9 3% ad val 5 2% ad val 5 6c per lb 4 1 % ad val 5.8% ad val 4 6% ad val 5 3% ad val 78c per doz t 7 9 % ad val 5.8% ad val 5 5c per doz . 4 6 % ad val

1981 2 6% ad val 6% ad val 6 7 t per lb 1 1C per lb 58C per proof gal 58c per proof gal 90c per lb, 4 3% ad val 8 5% ad val 3% ad val 5 2C per lb 3 5% ad val 5 6 % ad val 4 3% ad val 5 3% ad val 72C per doz t 7 2 % ad val 5 3% ad val 5 t ( per doz 1 4 3% ad val

1982 2 2% ad val 5 4 % ad val 5 6c p » lb 0 9C per lb 40c per proof gal 40C per proof gal 82c per lb 4 3 9% ad val 7 8% ad val 3% ad val 4 8c per lb 2 9% ad val 5 3% ad val 3 9% ad val 5 3% ad val 65c per doz 4 6 6 % ad val 4 8% ad val 4 6c per doz , 3 9 % ad val

1983 1 8 % ad 4 9% ad 4 5c per 0 7c per 38c per

val val lb lb

38c per proof gal 74C per lb ' 3 5% ad val 7% ad val 3% ad val 4 5C per lb 2 4% ad val 5 1 % ad val 3 5% ad val 5 3% ad val 59c per doz 4 6 % ad val 4 4% ad val 4 2c per doz 4 3 5% ad val

1964 1 3 % ad val 4 4 % ad val 3 3c per lb 0 5c per lb 38c per proof gal 38Cper proof gal 66c per lb 4 3 1 % ad val 6 3% ad val 3% ad val 4 leper lb 1 8% ad val 4 9 % ad val 3 1 % ad val 5 3% ad val 53C per doz 4 5.3% ad val 3 9% ad val 3 7c per doz 43 1 % ad val

1985 0.9% ad val. 3 9% ad val 2 2c per lb 0 3C per lb Secper proof gal 38«per proof gal 58c per lb 4 2 8% ad val 5.5% ad val 3% ad val 3 7c per lb 1 2% ad val 4 7% ad val 2 8% ad val 5 3% ad val 46C per doz 4 4 7% ad val 3 4% ad val 3 3c per doz 4 2 8% ad val

1986 0 4% ad val. 3.3% ad val 1 1C per lb 0 1C per lb sec per proof gal 38cper proof gal 50C per lb 4 2 4% ad val 4 8% ad val 3% ad val 3 3C per lb 0.6% ad val 4 4% ad val 2 4% ad val 5.3% ad val 40c per doz t 4% ad val 3% ad val 2 8c per doz 4 2 4% ad val

1987 Free 2 8% ad val Free Free 3ecper proof gal 38cper proof gal 42C per lb, 2% ad val 4% ad val 3% ad val 3c per lb Free 4 2% ad val 2% ad val 5 3% ad val 34C per doz . 3 4% ad val 2 5% ad val 2 4C per doz . 2 % ad val


Proclamation 4712 of January 11, 1980

George Meany By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation At a time when freedom is once again under challenge around the world, we will remember George Meany. We will remember him as the symbol of a vibrant free trade union movement. We will remember him as the champion of the highest values of our democracy. In a career that exceeded a half century, George Meany changed the shape of America for the better in hundreds of ways, great and small, through the force of his character and through the integrity of his beliefs. The modern American labor movement—strong, united and free—is George Meany's enduring legacy to our Nation. It is proper and fitting that we honor his memory today and that we remember his many contributions to our Nation. NOW, THEREFORE, I, JIMMY CARTER, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces (36 U.S.C. 178] do hereby proclaim that, as a mark of respect to the memory of George Meany and his numerous contributions to our Nation, the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff on all buildings, grounds and naval vessels of the Federal government in the District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its Territories and possessions until his interment. I also direct that the flag shall be flown at half-staff for the same length of time at all United States embassies, legations, consular offices, and other facilities abroad, including all military facilities and naval vessels and stations.