Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 3.djvu/1223

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980


A55 Page

Washington: Indian lands, lease authorization Mike McCormack Fusion Materials Test Facility, designation Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, land acquisition Mount St. Helens, emergency activities Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act Salmon and Steelhead Conservation and Enhancement Act of 1980 Wa-He-Lute Indian School, lands held in trust for Washington, D.C. See District of Columbia. Washoe, judgement awards, validation of plans for use or distribution of funds Waste Products, tariff treatment of material generated during export merchandise processing Water: Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act Bear River Compact, amended, congressional consent Colorado River Basin, provision of water for municipal, industrial, and irrigation purposes Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 Energy Security Act Farm and rural development loan programs Hudson River PCB Reclamation Demonstration Project Marine pollution research Marine waste disposal, regulation National Aquaculture Act of 1980 Pollution control programs— Federal grant requirements Lake Tahoe Basin Oil and natural gas recovery, production, and storage Red River Compact, Ark., La., Okla., and Tex Research and development programs Rural Development Policy Act of 1980 Sacramento Valley Canals, Central Valley project, Calif., extension of water service area Solid Waste Disposal Act Amendments of 1980 Suisun Marsh Preservation and Restoration Act of 1979 Tahoe Regional Planning Compact, Calif.-Nev Water Chestnuts, temporary import duty suspension

125 3329 3255 1351 2697 3275 544

61 3555 2371 4 1063 2767 611 1871 2360 1523 3344 1198 2360 3381 2737 3305 2032 1171 3339 2334 2581 3233 3555

Water Research and Development Act of 1978, amendments 2032 Water Resources Development Act of 1976, amendments 3166 Wayne N. Aspinall Storage Unit, new designation for Curecanti Storage Unit, Colorado River Storage Project 1505 Weminuche Wilderness, Colo., incorporation of additional lands 3265 West Chichagof-Yakobi Wilderness, Alaska, designation 2371 West Elk Wilderness, Colo., incorporation of additional lands 3265 West Valley Demonstration Project Act 1347 West Virginia: Harley O. Staggers Federal Building, designation 1197 Sidney L. Christie Federal Building, designation 3215 State-owned abandoned mines used as hazardous waste disposal sites. Federal grant program 2360 Whaling Artifacts, authorized acquisition and display at National Maritime Museum, Golden Gate National Recreation Area 81 Wheat: Agricultural Act of 1980 2570 Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1980 119 Federal Crop Insurance Act of 1980 1312 Price support loans 333 Wheeler Peak Wilderness, N. Mex., incorporation of additional lands 3221 White Mountain Wilderness, N. Mex., incorporation of additional lands 3221 White Mountains National Recreation Area, Alaska, establishment 2371 White River National Forest, Colo.: Boundary modification; grazing permits and authorizations 1152 Wilderness designation for certain lands 3265 Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, amendments 67, 948, 1133, 3370, 2371 Wilderness Areas. See National Wilderness Preservation System. Wildlife. See Animals. Wildlife Refuges. See under National Parks, Monuments, Seashores, Etc. William H. Harsha Dam and Lake, Ohio, new designation for East Fork Dam and Lake 1526 William Levi Dawson Chair of Public Afairs Act 1503 William O. Douglas Arctic Wildlife Range, Alaska, new designation for Arctic National Wildlife Range 3724 William S. Moorhead Federal Building, Pa., designation 1723

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1330; Part 2 contains pages 1331-2696; Part 3 contains pages 2697-3812.