Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/1082

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

95 STAT. 1056

PUBLIC LAW 97-72—NOV. 3, 1981

"(1) The Administrator may not make a direct loan under this section unless the veterans' small business concern applying for the loan shows to the satisfaction of the Administrator that the concern is unable to obtain a loan guaranteed by the Veterans' Administration under this section or made or guaranteed by the Small Business Administration. Loan guarantee. "(2) The Administrator may not guarantee a loan under this section if the loan bears a rate of interest in excess of the maximum rate of interest prescribed under section 1845 of this title. "(3) The Administrator may not make or guarantee a loan under this section for an amount in excess of $200,000. Liability. "(4) The original liability of the Administrator on any loan guaranteed under this section may not exceed 90 per centum of the amount of the loan, and such liability shall decrease or increase pro rata with any decrease or increase of the amount of the unpaid portion of the loan, but such liability may not exceed the amount of the original guaranty. "(c) Each loan made or guaranteed under this subchapter shall be of such sound value, taking into account the creditworthiness of the veterans' small business concern (and the individual owners) applying for such loan, or so secured as reasonably to assure payment. "(d)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, the Administrator may not make or guarantee a loan under this subchapter to a veterans' small business concern in which an ownership interest is held by a veteran who also has an ownership interest in another small business concern if such ownership interest was considered in qualifying that other concern for an outstanding loan made or guaranteed under this subchapter or the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 631 et seq.). "(2) Paragraph (1) of this subsection shall not apply if 51 per centum or more of the business concern seeking a direct or guaranteed loan under this subchapter is owned by veterans of the Vietnam era or disabled veterans without including the ownership interest of the veteran whose ownership interest in another small business concern was previously considered in qualifying that other concern for an outstanding guaranteed or direct business loan under this subchapter or the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 631 et seq.). Suspension. "(e)(1) In order to protect the interest of the United States, upon application by a veterans' small business concern which is the recipient of a loan guaranteed under this subchapter, the Administrator (subject to the provisions of this subsection) may undertake the veterans' small business concern's obligation to make payments under such loan or, if the loan was a direct loan made by the Administrator, may suspend such obligation. While such payments are being made by the Administrator pursuant to the undertaking of such obligation or while such obligation is suspended, no such payment with respect to the loan may be required from the concern. "(2) The Administrator may undertake or suspend a veterans' small business concern's obligation under this subsection only if— "(A) such undertaking or suspension of the obligation is, in the judgment of the Administrator, necessary to protect the interest of the United States; "(B) with the undertaking or suspension of the obligation, the small business concern would, in the judgment of the Administrator, become or remain a viable small business entity; and