Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/1115

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

PUBLIC LAW 97-81—NOV. 20, 1981

95 STAT. 1089

"(2) the date on which a copy of the decision of the Court of Military Review, after being served on appellate counsel of record for the accused (if any), is deposited in the United States mails for delivery by first-class certified mail to the accused at an address provided by the accused or, if no such address has been provided by the accused, at the latest address listed for the accused in his official service record. The Court of Military Appeals shall act upon such a petition promptly in accordance with the rules of the court.". TIME LIMITS ON APPLICATIONS TO JUDGE ADVOCATES GENERAL

SEC. 6. Section 869 (article 69) is amended by adding at the end l^ use 869. thereof the following new sentence: "When such a case is considered upon application of the accused, the application must be filed in the Office of the Judge Advocate General by the accused before— "(1) October 1, 1983; or "(2) the last day of the two-year period beginning on the date the sentence is approved by the convening authority or, in a special court-martial case which requires action under section 865(b) of this title (article 65(b)), the officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction, whichever is later, unless the accused establishes good cause for failure tofilewithin that time.". EFFECTIVE DATES

SEC. 7. (a) The amendments made by this Act shall take effect at the lo use 706 note. end of the sixty-day period beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act. (b)(1) The amendments made by section 2 shall apply to each member whose sentence by court-martial is approved on or after the effective date of such amendments under section 864 or 865 (article 64 or 65) of title 10, United States Code, by the officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction. (2) The amendments made by section 3 shall apply to each person held as the result of a court-martial sentence announced on or after the effective date of such amendments. (3) The amendment made by section 4(a) shall apply with respect to investigations under section 832 (article 32) of title 10, United States Code, that begin on or after the effective date of such amendment.