Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/1279

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

PUBLIC LAW 97-98—DEC. 22, 1981

95 STAT. 1253

peanuts of like type and segregation or quality may, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, be commingled and exchanged on a dollar value basis to facilitate warehousing, handling, and marketing. Failure by a handler to comply with regulations issued by the Secretary governing the disposition and handling of additional peanuts shall subject the handler to a penalty at a rate equal to 120 per centum of the loan level for quota peanuts on the quantity of peanuts involved in the violation. "(j) Handlers may, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, contract with producers for the purchase of additional peanuts for crushing, export, or both. All such contracts shall be completed and submitted to the Secretary (or if designated by the Secretary, the area marketing association) for approval prior to April 15 of the year in which the crop is produced. "(k) Subject to the provisions of section 407 of the Agricultural Act of 1949, any peanuts owned or controlled by the Commodity 7 USC 1427. Credit Corporation may be made available for domestic edible use in accordance with regulations established by the Secretary. Additional peanuts received under loan shall be offered for sale for domestic edible use at prices not less than those required to cover all costs incurred with respect to such peanuts for such items as inspection, warehousing, shrinkage, and other expenses, plus (1) not less than 100 per centum of the loan value of quota peanuts if the additional peanuts are sold and paid for during the harvest season upon delivery by and with the written consent of the producer, (2) not less than 105 per centum of the loan value of quota peanuts if the additional peanuts are sold after delivery by the producer by not later than December 31 of the marketing year, or (3) not less than 107 per centum of the loan value of quota peanuts if the additional peanuts are sold later than December 31 of the marketing year. For the period from the date additional peanuts are delivered for loan to March 1 of the calendar year following the year in which such additional peanuts were harvested, the area marketing association designated pursuant to section 108A(3)(A) of the Agricultural Act of 1949 shall have sole Post, p. 1254. authority to accept or reject lot list bids when the sales price as determined under this section equals or exceeds the minimum price at which the Commodity Credit Corporation may sell its stocks of additional peanuts, except that the area marketing association and the Commodity Credit Corporation may agree to modify the authority granted by this sentence in order to facilitate the orderly marketing of additional peanuts. "(IXD The person liable for payment or collection of any penalty provided for in this section shall be liable also for interest thereon at a rate per annum equal to the rate of interest which was charged the Commodity Credit Corporation by the Treasury of the United States on the date such penalty became due. "(2) The provisions of this section shall not apply to peanuts produced on any farm on which the acreage harvested for nuts is one acre or less if the producers who share in the peanuts produced on such farm do not share in the peanuts produced on any other farm. (3) Until the amount of the penalty provided by this section is paid, a lien on the crop of peanuts with respect to which such penalty is incurred, and on any subsequent crop of peanuts subject to farm poundage quotas in which the person liable for