Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/139

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

PUBLIC LAW 97-21—JULY 9, 1981

95 STAT. 113

emergency, the Governor may order the executive branch to be moved temporarily. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR

5. The Lieutenant Governor shall have custody of the seal 48 USC i54i of the Virgin Islands, shall countersign and affix the seal to official "° ® documents, shall record and preserve the laws of the Virgin Islands, and shall have additional duties as may be assigned by the Governor or provided by law. SECTION


6. The official residence of the Governor shall be in the 48 USC I54i capital of the Virgin Islands. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor "°^® shall be provided appropriate rent-free residences. SECTION


7. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall devote full 48 USC 1541 time to their duties. While in office, neither shall practice a trade or " profession for profit or, unless authorized by law, hold any public position. SECTION


8. The order of succession to the office of Governor and to 48 USC 1541 the office of Lieutenant Governor shall be: the President of the ^°*^ Senate, Vice-President of the Senate, and such other public official of the Virgin Islands as may be designated by law. SECTION


9. (a) The Governor or Lieutenant Governor shall declare a 48 USC 1541 disability to discharge the duties of office by transmitting to the ^°Senate a written declaration of disability. In the event of the temporary disability of the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor shall act as Governor. If the Lieutenant Governor is unable to act as Governor, the next available person in the order of succession shall act as Governor. In the event of the temporary disability of the Lieutenant Governor, the next available person in the order of succession shall act as Lieutenant Governor. The Governor or Lieutenant Governor shall resume office upon submitting a written declaration of termination of the disability. (b) Upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds of its members, the Senate may raise the question of the temporary or permanent disability of the Governor or Lieutenant Governor. The appellate court shall determine all questions raised by the Senate or otherwise raised, as provided by law, with respect to the temporary or permanent disability of the Governor or Lieutenant Governor. If the Governor or Lieutenant Governor is determined by the appellate court to be permanently disabled, the office shall be declared vacant. (c) In the event of a permanent disability of the Governor-elect, the office shall be declared vacant and the vacancy shall be filled by a special election to be held within sixty days of the declaration of the disability. (d) In the event of the permanent disability of the Lieutenant Governor-elect the office shall be declared vacant, and the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy. SECTION