Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/430

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

95 STAT. 404

42 USC 1437a note. 12 USC 1701s note. Rent payments, determination. 42 USC 1437a note.

PUBLIC LAW 97-35—AUG. 13, 1981 lesser of (1) 70 per centum of the fair market rent, or (2) the amount by which the fair market rental for such unit exceeds 30 per centum of the tenant's adjusted income."; and (3) by striking out ", except the elderly, at intervals of two years (or at shorter intervals in cases where the Secretary may deem it desirable)" in paragraph (2) of subsection (e), and by inserting in lieu thereof "no less frequently than annually*. (h) Title If of the Housing and C!onununity Development Amendments of 1979 is amended— (1) by striking out subsection (c) in section 202; and (2) by striking out subsection (c) in section 203. (i)(1) In determining the rent to be paid by tenants who are occupying housing assisted under the authorities amended by this section on the effective date of this Act, the Secretary, notwithstanding any other provision of this section, may provide for delayed applicability, or for staged implementation, of the procedures for determining rent required by the provisions of subsections (a) through (h) of this section if the Secretary determines that immediate application of such procedures would be impracticable, would violate the terms of existing leases, or would result in extraordinary hardship for any class of tenants. The Secretary shall provide that the amount of rent paid by any family shall not increase, as a result of the amendments made by this section and as a result of any other provision of Federal law redefining which governmental benefits are required to or may be considered as income, by more than 10 per centum during any 12-month period unless the increase above such 10 per centum is attributed solely to increases in income which are not caused by such amendments or by such redefinitions. The limitation contained in the preceding sentence shall remain in effect and may not be changed or superceded except by another provision of law which amends tms subsection. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, application of the procedures for determining rent contained in this section shall not result in a reduction in the amount of rent paid by any tenant below the amount paid by such tenant immediately preceding the effective date of this Act. (2) Tenants of housing assisted under the provisions of law amended by this section whose occupancy begins after the effective date of this Act shall be subject to immediate rent payment determinations in accordance with the amendments contained in subsections (a) through (h), except that the Secretary may provide for delayed applicability, or for staged implementation, of these requirements for such tenants if the Secretary determines that immediate application of the requirements of this section would be impracticable, or that uniform procedures for assessing rents would significantly decrease administrative costs and burdens. (3) The Secretary's actions and determinations and the procedures for making determinations pursuant to this subsection shall not be reviewable in any court. The provisions of subsections (a) through (h) shall be implemented and fully applicable to all affected tenants no later than five years following the date of enactment of this Act, except that the Secretary may extend the time for implementation if the Secretary determines that full implementation would result in extraordinary hardship for any class of tenants. INCOME ELIGIBILITY

42 USC 1437 note.

SEC. 323. The United States Housing Act of 1937 is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: