Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/453

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

PUBLIC LAW 97-35—AUG. 13, 1981 newspapers having general circulation in the county or counties in which the security property being sold is located. To the extent practicable, the newspaper or newspapers chosen shall be a newspaper or newspapers, if any is available, having circulation conducive to achieving notice of foreclosure by publication. Should there be no newspaper published at least weekly which has a general circulation in one of the counties in which the security property being sold is located, copies of the notice of default and foreclosure sale shall be posted in at least three public places in each such county at least twenty-one days prior to the date of sale. (8) POSTING.—A copy of the notice of default and foreclosure sale shall be posted in a prominent place at or on the real property to be sold at least seven days prior to the foreclosure sale, and entry upon the premises for this purpose shall be privileged as against all persons. If the property consists of two or more noncontiguous parcels of land, a copy of the notice of default and foreclosure sale shall be posted in a prominent place on each such parcel. If the security property consists of two or more separate buildings, a copy of the notice of default and foreclosure sale shall be posted in a prominent place on each such building. Posting at or on the premises shall not be required where the foreclosure commissioner, in the commissioner s sole discretion, finds that the act of posting will likely cause a breach of the peace or that posting may result in an increased risk of vandalism or damage to the property.

95 STAT. 427

Posting in public place.


SEC. 869A. (a) Except as provided in sections 368(b) and 369B(c), the Sale cancellation foreclosure commissioner shall withdraw the security property from conditions. 12 USC 3709. foreclosure and cancel the foreclosure sale only if— (1) the Secretary so directs the commissioner prior to or at the time of sale; (2) the commissioner finds, upon application of the mortgagor at least three days prior to the date of sale, that the default or defaults upon which the foreclosure is based did not exist at the time of service of the notice of default and foreclosure sale; or (3)(A) in the case of a foreclosure involving a monetary default, there is tendered to the foreclosure commissioner before public auction is completed the entire amount of principal and interest which would be due if payments under the mortgage had not been accelerated; (B) in the case of a foreclosure involving a nonmonetary default, the foreclosure commissioner, upon application of the mortgagor before the date of foreclosure sale, finds that such default is cured; and (C) there is tendered to the foreclosure commissioner before public auction is completed all amounts due under the mortgage agreement (excluding additional amounts which would have been due if mortgage payments had been accelerated), all amounts of expenditures secured by the mortgage and all costs of foreclosure incurred for which payment from the proceeds of foreclosure is provided in section 369C, except that the Secretary shall have discretion to refuse to cancel a foreclosure pursuant to this paragraph (3) if the current mortgagor or owner of record has on one or more previous occasions caused a foreclosure of the mortgage, commenced pursuant to this part or otherwise, to be canceled by curing a default.