Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/66

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

95 STAT. 40

90 Stat. 1498.

PUBLIC LAW 97-12—JUNE 5, 1981 Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency upon the date of enactment of this Act, the shortfall will be distributed according to the allotment formula among all the States which still have funds remaining from that appropriation. This process of distributing the shortfall will continue until the amount of the reduction has been allocated among the States. Of the funds appropriated under this head in the Public Works Employment Appropriation Act, 1977, $64,000,000 are rescinded. EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL Q U A U T Y AND OFFICE OF


94 Stat. 3052.

Of the funds appropriated under this head in the Department of Housing and Urban Development-Independent Agencies Appropriation Act, 1981, $708,000 are rescinded. OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY (RESCISSION)

94 Stat. 3052.

Of the funds appropriated under this head in the Department of Housing and Urban Development-Independent Agencies Appropriation Act, 1981, $595,000 are rescinded. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FUNDS A P P R O P R I A T E D TO THE PRESIDENT DISASTER REUEF (RESCISSION)

94 Stat. 3053.

Of the funds appropriated under this head in the Department of Housing and Urban Development-Independent Agencies Appropriation Act, 1981, $8,000,000 are rescinded. NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (RESCISSION)

94 Stat. 3054.

Of the funds appropriated under this head in the Department of Housing and Urban Development-Independent Agencies Appropriation Act, 1981, $4,500,000 are rescinded. NATIONAL CONSUMER COOPERATIVE BANK SELF-HELP DEVELOPMENT


94 Stat. 3055.

Of the funds appropriated under this head in the Department of Housing and Urban Development-Independent Agencies Appropriation Act, 1981, $16,990,000 are rescinded: Provided, That, notwith-