Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/697

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

PUBLIC LAW 97-35—AUG. 13, 1981

95 STAT. 671

"(£) Any employee of Conrail who is not offered employment with Amtrak Commuter or a commuter authority under agreements entered into under this section shall be provided employee protection under section 701 of the Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973 to Ante, p. 661. the same extent as if such employee had remained in the employ of Conrail. "SEC. 509. FACTFINDING PANEL.

45 USC 589.

"(a) Amtrak Commuter or a commuter authority and the representatives of the various classes and crafts of employees to be transferred to Amtrak Commuter or such commuter authority shall, by May 1, 1982, establish a factfinding panel, chaired by a neutral expert in industrial relations, for purposes of recommending changes in operating practices and procedures which would result in greater productivity to the maximum extent practicable. "(b) The National Mediation Board shall appoint public members to the panel established under subsection (a) of this section. "(c) The factfinding panel shall, by July 1, 1982, submit a report to the parties setting forth its recommendations for changes in operating practices and procedures. (d) The factfinding panel may provide mediation, conciliation, and other assistance to the parties. "SEC. 510. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT FOR AMTRAK COMMUT- 45 USC 590. ER OR COMMUTER AUTHORITIES.

"(a)(1) Not later than September 1, 1982, the commuter authorities that intend to operate commuter service and the representatives of the various classes or crafts of employees to be transferred to such commuter authorities under agreements entered into under section 508 of this Act shall enter into new collective bargaining agreements with respect to rates of pay, rules, and working conditions. "(2) Not later than September 1, 1982, Amtrak Commuter and the representatives of the various classes or crafts of employees to be transferred to Amtrak Commuter under agreements entered into under section 508 of this Act shall enter into new collective bargaining agreements with respect to rates of pay, rules, and working conditions. "(b) If the parties have not reached an agreement by the date specified in subsection (a) of this section, any party to the dispute or the Governor of any State through which the service that is the subject of the dispute is operated may, within 15 days after such date, request the President to establish an emergency board pursuant to subsection (c) of this section. "(c) Within 15 days after the request under subsection (b) of this section, of a party or a Governor, the President shall create an emergency board. Such board shall conduct a public hearing on the dispute at which each party shall appear and provide testimony, and shall, within 30 days after the date of its creation, report on the dispute. (d) If no settlement in the dispute is reached within 10 days after the report of the emergency board, such board shall require the parties to the dispute to submit, within 5 days, final offers to the board for settlement of the dispute. "(e) Within 15 days after the submission of final offers, the emergency board shall submit a report to the President setting forth its selection of the most reasonable offer. "(f) If the emergency board selects a final offer submitted by a carrier and the employees of such carrier engage in any work