Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 1.djvu/1097

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982

PUBLIC LAW 97-258—SEPT. 13, 1982

96 STAT. 1055

"2779. Use of funds because of fluctuations in currency exchange rates of foreign countries.".

(B) Add at the end of chapter 165 the following new sections: "§ 2776. Use of receipts of public money for current expenditures lo use 2776. "Without deposit to the credit of the Secretary of the Treasury and without withdrawal on money requisitions, a disbursing official of the Department of Defense may use receipts of public money charged in the disbursing official's accounts (except receipts to be credited to river, harbor, and flood control appropriations) for current expenditures, with necessary bookkeeping adjustments being made. "§ 2777. Requisitions for advances and removal of charges out- lo use 2777. standing in accounts of advances "(a) The Secretary of a military department may issue to a disbursing official or agent of the department a requisition for an advance of not more than the total appropriation for the department. The amount advanced shall be— "(1) under an 'account of advances' for the department; "(2) on a proper voucher; "(3) only for obligations payable under specific appropriations; "(4) charged to, and within the limits of, each specific appropriation; and "(5) returned to the account of advances. "(b) A charge outstanding in an account of advances of a military department shall be removed by crediting the account of advances of the department and deducting the amount of the charge from an appropriation made available for advances to the department when— "(1) relief has been granted or may be granted later to a disbursing official or ^ e n t of the department operating under an account of advances and under a law having no provision for removing charges outstanding in an account of advances; or "(2) the charge has been— "(A) outstanding in the account of advances of the department for 2 complete fiscal years; and "(B) certified by the head of the department to the Comptroller General as uncoUectable. "(c) Subsection (b) of this section does not affect the financial liability of a disbursing official or agent. "§ 2778. Accounts of the military departments lo use 2778. "The Comptroller General shall— "(1) maintain all accounts of^ "(A) receipts and expenditures of public money in the military departments; and "(B) debts due the United States on moneys advanced for the department; "(2) preserve settled accounts, vouchers, and certificates; "(3) record all requisitions drawn by the Secretary of the department;

  • (4) each year on the first Monday in November, report to the

Secretary of the Treasury on the application of money appropriated for the military departments; and "(5) report on the accounts of the military departments as the Secretary of the department requires.