Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 1.djvu/1102

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982

96 STAT. 1060

PUBLIC LAW 97-258—SEPT. 13, 1982 "(B) the greater of— "(i) an amount equal to the amount described in paragraph (A); or "(ii) $30,000,000.". (g) Title 28, United States Code, is amended as follows: dXA) In the analysis of chapter 31, strike out—

"524. Appropriations for administrative expenses; notarial fees; meals and lodging of bailiffs."

and substitute— "524. Availability of appropriations.".

(B) In the catchline of section 524, strike out— "Appropriations for administrative expenses; notarial fees; meals and lodging of bailiffs" and substitute— "Availability of appropriations". (C) Insert at the be»ginning of the text of section 524 the subsection designation (a)". (D) Add at the end of section 524 the following new subsection: "(b) Except as provided in subsection (a) of this section, a claim of not more than $500 for expenses related to litigation that is beyond the control of the Department may be paid out of appropriations currently available to the Department for expenses related to litigation when the Comptroller General settles the payment.". (2) Add at the end of section 571 the following new subsection: "(d) Appropriations for sedaries, expenses, and fees of marshals are available for advances with the approval of the Attorney General.". (3)(A) Insert between items 572 and 573 in the analysis of chapter 37 the following new item: "572a. Depositing public moneys.".

28 USC 572a. 28 USC 2041.

(B) Insert between sections 572 and 573 the following new section: "§ 572a. Depositing public moneys "Except for public moneys deposited under section 2041 of this title, each United States marshm shall deposit public moneys that the marshal collects into a checking account in the Treasury, subject to disbursement by the marshal. At the end of each accounting period, the earned part of public moneys accruing to the United States shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the appropriate receipt accounts.". (4KA) In the analysis of chapter 129, strike out— "2041. Deposit."

and substitute— "2041. Deposit of mone3rs in pending or abjudicated cases.".

(B) Add immediately below item 2042 in the analysis of the chapter the following new item: "2043. Deposit of other moneys.".