Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 1.djvu/291

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982

PUBLIC LAW 97-229—AUG. 3, 1982

96 STAT. 249

adverse impacts of such a shortage as a supplement to reliance on free market pricing and allocation of available petroleum product supplies. "(b) POLICY.—The Congress declares that it shall be the policy of the United States that the Federal Government shall be prepared prior to any shortage of petroleum products to respond to energy emergencies, pursuant to authorities under provisions of law other than this part, as a supplement to reliance on the free market to mitigate the adverse impacts of a shortage of petroleum products on public health, safety, and welfare. "(c) PURPOSE.—The purpose of this part is to carry out the policy in subsection (b) by providing for the preparation of comprehensive energy emergency response procedures to be available for use by the President under authorities contained in any provision of law other than this part. "PREPARATION FOR PETROLEUM SUPPLY INTERRUPTIONS

272. (a) DESCRIPTION OF AVAILABLE LEGAL AUTHORITIES.—(1) The President shall submit to the Congress no later than November 15, 1982, a memorandum of law which describes the nature and extent of the authorities available to the President under existing law to respond to a severe energy supply interruption or other substantial reduction in the amount of petroleum products available to the United States. "(2) The memorandum of law required by paragraph (1) shall be prepared by the Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary of Energy. ' (3) The memorandum of law submitted to the Congress pursuant to this subsection shall— "(A) include the following subjects— "(i) activities of the United States in support of the international energy program and the December 10, 1981, International Energy Agency agreement entitled 'Decision on Preparation for Future Supply Disruptions' including— (I) the National Emergency Sharing Organization; "(II) emergency sharing systems; and "(III) the supply right project; "(ii) activities of the United States pursuant to its energy emergency preparedness obligations to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; "(iii) development and use of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve; "(iv) Government incentives to encourage private petroleum product stocks; "(v) reactivation of the following Executive Manpower Reserves: "(I) the Emergency Electric Power Reserve; "(II) the Emergency Petroleum and Gas Reserve; and "(III) the Emergency Solid Fuels Reserve; "(vi) energy emergency response management in coordination with State and local governments; and "(vii) emergency public information activities; and "(B) distinguish among— "(i) situations involving limited or general war, international tensions that threaten national security, and other Presidentially declared emergencies; "SEC.

Memorandum "If^'^f"^ Jngress 42 USC 6282.