Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/1041

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PUBLIC LAW 98-160—NOV. 21, 1983 97 STAT. 1009 TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 38 SEC. 702. Title 38 is amended as follows: (1) Section 203(b) is amended— 38 USC 203. (A) by striking out "An appropriation" and inserting in lieu thereof "Any funds appropriated to the Veterans' Administration"; and (B) by striking out "not" after "and the settlement is". (2) Section 301(3) is amended by striking out the semicolon at the end and inserting in lieu thereof a period. (3) Section 360 is amended by striking out "has suffered (1)" and inserting in lieu thereof "(1) has suffered". (4) Section 361 is amended by striking out "United States Code,". (5) Section 719(b) is amended by striking out "subsections" each place it appears and inserting in lieu thereof "sections". (6) Section 1622(d) is amended by inserting "of this title" after " s ection 1631(a)". (7) Section 1623 is amended— (A) in subsection (a), by inserting "of this title" after "se ction 1624"; and (B) in subsection (d), by inserting "of this title" after "se ction 1622(c)". (8) Section 1632 is amended— (A) by striking out the comma after "title 31"; and (B) by striking out "section 1322(a)" the second place it appears and inserting in lieu thereof "such section". (9) Section 1643 is amended by inserting "of this title" after "s ection 1622(c)". (10) Section 1662(a)(1)(C) is amended by striking out "the effective date of the Veterans' Rehabilitation and Education Amendments of 1980" and inserting in lieu thereof "Octo- ber 1, 1980". (11) Section 1682(c)(1)(C) is amended by inserting a comma after "week)". (12) Section 1701(a) is amended— (A) in paragraph (1)— (i) by striking out "title 37, United States Code," in clauses (A)(iii) and (C) and inserting in lieu thereof " title 37"; and (ii) by inserting a comma after "thereunder" in clause (A)(iii); and (B) in paragraph (9), by striking out "chapter 4C of title 29" and inserting in lieu thereof "the Act of Au- gust 16, 1937, popularly known as the 'National Appren- ticeship Act' (29 U.S.C. 50 et seq.) ". (13) Section 1712(b)(2)(C) is amended by striking out "the effective date of the Veterans' Rehabilitation and Educa- tion Amendments of 1980" and inserting in lieu thereof " October 1, 1980". (14) Section 1820 is amended— (A) in subsection (a)(6), by striking out the comma after " title 31"; and (B) in subsection (b), by striking out "section 5 of title 41" and inserting in lieu thereof "section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (41 U.S.C. 5)".