Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/1199

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PUBLIC LAW 98-181—NOV. 30, 1983 97 STAT. 1167 with amounts resulting from a guarantee under section 108 by 42 USC 5308. assessing any amount against properties owned and occupied by 31 USC 1305. persons of low and moderate income, including any fee charged or assessment made as a condition of obtaining access to such public improvements, unless (i) funds received under section 106 42 USC 5306. are used to pay the proportion of such fee or assessment that relates to the capital costs of such public improvements that are financed from revenue sources other than under this title; or (ii) for purposes of assessing any amount against properties owned and occupied by persons of low and moderate income who are not persons of very low income, the grantee certifies to the Secretary or such State, as the case may be, that it lacks sufficient funds received under section 106 to comply with the requirements of clause (i). "(6) Any activities conducted with amounts received by a unit of general local government under this subsection shall be subject to the applicable provisions of this title and other Federal law in the same manner and to the same extent as activities conducted with amounts received by a unit of general local government under subsection (a).", (j) Section 106(f) of such Act is amended to read as follows: 42 USC 5306. "(f) If the total amount available for distribution in any fiscal year to metropolitan cities and urban counties under this section is insufficient to provide the amounts to which metropolitan cities and urban counties would be entitled under subsection (b), and funds are not otherwise appropriated to meet the deficiency, the Secretary shall meet the deficiency through a pro rata reduction of all amounts determined under subsection (b). If the total amount avail- able for distribution in any fiscal year to metropolitan cities and urban counties under this section exceeds the amounts to which metropolitan cities and urban counties would be entitled under subsection (b), the Secretary shall distribute the excess through a pro rata increase of all amounts determined under subsection (b).". DISCRETIONARY FUND SEC. 107. (a) Section 107(a) of the Housing and Community Devel- opment Act of 1974 is amended by striking out the first sentence and 42 USC 5307. inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Of the total amount approved in appropriation Acts under section 103 for each of the ^^ USC 5303. fiscal years 1984, 1985, and 1986, not more than $68,200,000 for each such fiscal year may be set aside in a special discretionary fund for grants under subsection (b).". Cb) Section 107(b)(4) of such Act is amended to read as follows: "(4) to States, units of general local government, Indian tribes, or areawide planning organizations for the purpose of providing technical assistance in planning, developing, and administering assistance under this title; to groups designated by such governmental units to assist them in carrying out assistance under this title; to qualified groups for the purpose of assisting more than one such governmental unit to carry out assistance under this title; and to States and units of general local government for implementing special projects otherwise authorized under this title; and the Secretary may also provide technical assistance, directly or through contracts, to such gov- ernmental units and groups; and", (c) Section 107(b) of such Act is amended—