Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/1300

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97 STAT. 1268 PUBLIC LAW 98-181—NOV. 30, 1983 Assistance extensions. 22 USC 286e-2. Supplementary resources. ensure that countries which are artificially maintaining under- valued or overvalued rates of exchange agree to adopt market determined exchange rates. "(b) In determining his vote on extensions of assistance to any Fund borrower, the United States Executive Director of the Fund shall take into account whether such borrower's policies are consist- ent with the requirements of article IV of the Articles of Agreement of the Fund.". QUOTA INCREASE SEC. 802. (a) The Bretton Woods Agreements Act (22 U.S.C. 286 et seq.) is amended— (1) in section 17(a)— (A) by striking out "decision of January 5, 1962," and inserting in lieu thereof "decisions of January 5, 1962, and February 24, 1983, as amended in accordance with their terms,"; and (B) by striking out "not to exceed $2,000,000,000 outstand- ing at any one time," and inserting in lieu thereof "in an amount not to exceed the equivalent of 4,250,000,000 Spe- cied Drawing Rights, limited to such amounts as are pro- vided in advance in appropriations Acts, except that prior to activation, the Secretary of the Treasury shall certify that supplementary resources are needed to forestall or cope with an impairment of the international monetary system and that the Fund has fully explored other means of funding,"; (2) in section 17(b), by striking out "$2,000,000,000," and inserting in lieu thereof "4,250,000,000 Special Drawing Rights, except that prior to activation, the Secretary of the Treasury shall certify whether supplementary resources are needed to forestall or cope with an impairment of the international mone- tary system and that the Fund has fully explored other means of funding,"; (3) by adding at the end of section 17 the following: "(d) Unless the Congress by law so authorizes, neither the Presi- dent, the Secretary of the Treasury, nor any other person acting on behalf of the United States, may instruct the United States Execu- tive Director to the Fund to consent to any amendment to the Decision of February 24, 1983, of the Executive Directors of the Fund, if the adoption of such amendment would significantly alter the amount, terms, or conditions of participation by the United States in the General Arrangements to Borrow."; and (4) by adding at the end thereof the following: 22 USC 286e-li. consultation with congressional committees. QUOTA INCREASE "SEC. 41. (a) The United States Governor of the Fund is authorized to consent to an increase in the quota of the United States in the Fund equivalent to 5,310,800,000 Special Drawing Rights, limited to such amounts as are provided in advance in appropriations Acts. "(b)(1) The Secretary of the Treasury shall consult with the chair- man and the ranking minority member of— "(A) the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Repre- sentatives, and any appropriate subcommittee of each such committee; and