Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/1316

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97 STAT. 1284 PUBLIC LAW 98-181—NOV. 30, 1983 Transmittal to (Congress. 12 USC 3912. (2) Except for the temporary removal of workpapers of the Comp- troller General that do not identify a customer of an open or closed bank or bank holding company, an open bank, or an open bank holding company, all workpapers of the Comptroller General and records and property of or used by an appropriate Federal banking agency that the Comptroller General possesses during an audit, shall remain in such agency. The Comptroller General shall prevent unauthorized access to records or property. EQUAL REPRESENTATION FOR THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 12 USC 3911. SEC. 912. As one of the three Federal bank regulatory and supervi- sory agencies, and as the insurer of the United States banks involved in international lending, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation shall be given equal representation with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency on the Committee on Banking Regula- tions and Supervisory Practices of the Group of Ten Countries and Switzerland. REPORTS SEC. 913. Not later than six months after the date of the enact- ment of this title, the Secretary of the Treasury or the appropriate Federal banking agencies as specified below, shall transmit a report to the Congress regarding changes to improve the international lending operations of banking institutions. Such report shall— (1) review the laws, regulations, and examination and supervisory procedures and practices, governing international banking in each of the Group of Ten Nations and Switzerland with particular attention to such matters bearing on capital requirements, lending limits, reserves, disclosure, examiner access, and lender of last resort resources, such report to be prepared by the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; (2) outline progress made in reaching the goal specified in Ante, p. 1280. section 908(c), such report to be prepared by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; and (3) indicate actions taken to implement this title by the appropriate Federal banking agencies, including a description of the actions taken in carrying out the objectives of the title and any actions taken by any appropriate Federal banking agency that are inconsistent with the uniform implementation by the appropriate Federal banking agencies of their respective authorities under this title, and any recommendations for amendments to this or other legislation, such report to be prepared by the appropriate Federal banking agencies. TITLE X—MULTILATERAL DEVELOPMENT BANKS 22 USC 283Z-3. INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK SEC. 1001. The Inter-American Development Bank Act (22 U.S.C. 283 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: "SEC. 31. (a)(1) The United States Governor of the Bank is author- ized to vote for resolutions—