Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/1610

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97 STAT. 1578 PROCLAMATION 5051—APR. 15, 1983 ANNEX II Annex III to Presidential Proclamation 4707 of December 11, 1979, is amended by deleting from Section A of that Annex TSUS item number 692.50 with its corresponding rates of duty and by inserting the following TSUS item numbers, rates of duty, and footnotes therein: Item in TSUS as modified by Annex II Rate from which staged Rates of duty', effective with respect to articles entered on and after January 1 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 '692.50 '692.52 '692.53 5% ad val. n n Pet. 4.8 n Pet. 4.7 {') Pet. 4.5

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Pet. " 4.4 "4.4 "4.4 n4.2 4.2 Pet. n 4 4 3.9 3.9 3.7 3.7 •* Item 692.50 is discontinued and superseded by items 692.52 and 692.53 effective April 16, 1983. Proclamation 5051 of April 15, 1983 National Mental Health Week, 1983 Ante, p.63. By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation Mental illness costs this Nation more than $50 billion a year and contrib- utes to declining productivity and rising health costs. Approximately 35 mil- lion people a year suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder. In addition, millions more seek professional assistance to alleviate the physical and emotional problems created by excessive stress. These facts and figures, however, cannot describe the high cost in human suffering from mental illness. Incapacitation—most often temporary but per- manent for some—may result from severe depression, crippling anxieties, or other manifestations of mental disorders. Yet public fear and misunder- standing of their illnesses place additional burdens on the afflicted and their families. It is important that the public understand that major advancements brought about by science have made mental illnesses and stress-related disorders greatly amenable to treatment. New technologies have added significantly to the numbers of patients who have improved or recovered following treat- ment and promise further advances. In recognition of the importance for our Nation of the treatment, care and support for the mentally ill provided by health professionals, volunteers, and family members, the Congress, by Senate Joint Resolution 52, has au- thorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation designating the week of April 10 through April 16, 1983, as National Mental Health Week. NOW, THEREFORE, I, RONALD REAGAN, President of the United States of America, do hereby designate the week beginning on April 10, 1983, as National Mental Health Week. I call upon health professionals, educators, communications media, the business community, individuals, and public and private organizations concerned with the welfare of their fellow citi- zens to seek and encourage better understanding of mental disorders and to honor those whose studies, treatment, and support have brought palpable gains and welcome hope to the mentally ill.