Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/1660

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97 STAT. 1628 PROCLAMATION 5105—SEPT. 27, 1983 "NOTE 2: Beginning with the quota year beginning September 26, 1983, the quota allocations for Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Honduras shall be as follows:. Nicaragua 6,000 short tons, raw value El Salvador 2.6 percent of the total base quota amount permitted to be imported under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this headnote plus 18 percent of the difference between 2.1 percent of the total base quota amount and 6,000 short tons, raw value Honduras 1.0 percent of the total base quota amount plus 52 percent of the difference between 2.1 percent of the total base quota amount and 6,000 short tons, raw value Costa Rica 1.5 percent of the total base quota amount plus 30 percent of the difference between 2.1 percent of the total base quota amount and 6,000 short tons, raw value" B. The provisions of this Proclamation shall be effective for sugars, sirups, and molasses, entered or withdrawn from warehouse for consump- tion, on or after September 26, 1983. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-third day of September, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty- three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and eighth. RONALD REAGAN Proclamation 5105 of September 27, 1983 United Nations Day, 1983 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation The United Nations remains today—38 years after its creation—an institu- tion uniquely endowed to promote international political, economic, social, and technical cooperation. Conceived during a brutal war and nurtured in a troubled peace, the United Nations has seen many of its shining promises realized, but many others have been frustrated. More often than the world community can afford, rivalries and divisions among states prompt abuse or misuse of the powers and machinery of the United Nations. Despite these imperfections, the system and its machinery continue to offer oppor- tunities for mediating differences which threaten to erupt in hostilities; for arranging and overseeing agreements to end tensions or conflicts; for pro- moting the technical and scientific cooperation essential to meet problems of growth and development; and for coping with international emergencies of all kinds. The people and the Government of the United States of America take pride in the support—moral, intellectual, political, and financial—which we have rendered to the United Nations, and in the leadership which we have pro- vided to help bring about its foremost achievements. We also take pride in the knowledge that the principles of the United Nations charter are the same ones which underlie our liberty, our progress, and our development as a democratic society. NOW, THEREFORE, I, RONALD REAGAN, President of the United States of America, do hereby designate Monday, October 24, 1983, as United Na- tions Day, and urge all Americans to better acquaint themselves with the activities and accomplishments of the United Nations.