Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/175

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PUBLIC LAW 98-21 —APR. 20, 1983 97 STAT. 143 such date, but the total amount of such compensation payable for such weeks shall be limited to 50 percent of the total amount which would otherwise be payable for such weeks". (2) Section 605(2) of such Act is amended by inserting before the 96 Stat. 705. semicolon the following: "(except as otherwise provided in section 26 USC 3304 602(f)(2))". '^°^- (c) Paragraph (3) of section 602(d) of the Federal Supplemental 96 Stat. 702. Compensation Act of 1982 is amended to read as follows: note^^^ ^^^^ "(3) the maximum amount of Federal supplemental compen- sation payable to any individual for whom an account is estab- lished under subsection (e) shall not exceed the lesser of (A) the amount established in such account for such individual, or (B) in the case of an individual filing a claim under the interstate benefit payment plan for Federal supplemental compensation, the amount which would have been established in such account if the amount established in such account were determined by reference to the applicable limit under subparagraph (A)(ii) or (D)(ii) of subsection (e)(2) applicable in the State in which the individual is filing such interstate claim under the interstate benefit payment plan for the week in which he is filing such claim." EFFECTIVE DATE SEC. 503. (a) The amendments made by this part shall apply to 26 USC 3304 weeks beginning after March 31, 1983. ^°^- (b) In the case of any eligible individual— (1) to whom any Federal supplemental compensation was payable for any week beginning before April 1, 1983, and (2) who exhausted his rights to such compensation (by reason of the payment of all the amount in his Federal supplemental compensation account) before the first week beginning after March 31, 1983, such individual's eligibility for additional weeks of compensation by reason of the amendments made by this part shall not be limited or terminated by reason of any event, or failure to meet any require- ment of law relating to eligibility for unemployment compensation, occurring after the date of such exhaustion of rights and before April 1, 1983 (and the period after such exhaustion and before April 1, 1983, shall not be counted for purposes of determining the expiration of the two years following the end of his benefit year for purposes of section 602(b) of the Federal Supplemental Compensa- tion Act of 1982). 96 Stat. 702. (c) The Secretary of Labor shall, at the earliest practicable date 26 USC 3304 after the date of the enactment of this Act, propose to each State g°*^ with which he has in effect an agreement under section 602 of the modifications. Federal Supplemental Compensation Act of 1982 a modification of such agreement designed to provide for the payment of Federal supplemental compensation under such Act in accordance with the amendments made by this part. Notwithstanding any other provi- sion of law, if any State fails or refuses, within the 3-week period beginning on the date the Secretary of Labor proposed such a modification to such State, to enter into such a modification of such agreement, the Secretary of Labor shall terminate such agreement effective with the end of the last week which ends on or before such 3-week period.