LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS xix Public Law Date Page 98-186 Mail Order Consumer Protection Amendments of 1983. AN ACT To amend title 39, United States Code, to strengthen the investigatory and enforcement powers of the Postal Service by authorizing certain inspection authority and by providing for civil penalties for viola- tions of orders under section 3005 of such title (pertain- ing to schemes for obtaining money by false represen- tations or lotteries), and for other purposes Nov. 30, 1983 1315 98-187 Carrier Alert Week. JOINT RESOLUTION To designate the week of December 4, 1983, through December 10, 1983, as "Carrier Alert Week" Nov. 30, 1983 1319 98-188 National Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Week. JOINT RESOLUTION To designate the week begin- ning January 15, 1984, as "National Fetal Alcohol Syn- drome Awareness Week" Nov. 30, 1983 1321 98-189 National Historical Publications and Records Commis- sion, appropriations authorization. AN ACT To extend the authorization of appropriations of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission for five years Nov. 30, 1983 1323 98-190 James E. Van Zandt Veterans' Administration Medical Center; Carl Vinson Veterans' Administration Medical Center, designations. AN ACT To name the Veterans' Administration Medical Center in Altoona, Pennsylva- nia, the "James E. Van Zandt Veterans' Administra- tion Medical Center", and to name the Veterans' Ad- ministration Medical Center in Dublin, Georgia, the "Carl Vinson Veterans' Administration Medical Center" Nov. 30, 1983 1324 98-191 Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act Amendments of 1983. AN ACT To revise the authority and responsibil- ity of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy, to au- thorize appropriations for the Office of Federal Pro- curement Policy for an additional four fiscal years, and for other purposes Dec. 1, 1983 1325 98-192 Tribally Controlled Community College Assistance Act of 1978, amendment. AN ACT To amend and extend the Tribally Controlled Community College Assistance Act of 1978, and for other purposes Dec. 1, 1983 1335 98-193 Product Liability Risk Retention Act of 1981, amend- ment. AN ACT To clarify the applicability of a provi- sion of law regarding risk retention Dec. 1, 1983 1344 98-194 Rural Health Clinics Act of 1983. AN ACT To provide re- vised reimbursement criteria for small rural health clinics utilizing National Health Service Corps person- nel Dec. 1, 1983 1345 98-195 State of Delaware, release of reversionary land interest. AN ACT To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to re- lease on behalf of the United States a reversionary in- terest in certain land in the State of Delaware Dec. 1, 1983 1349 98-196 Orchard and Lake Shore Drives, Lake Lowell, Boise, Idaho, land conveyance. AN ACT To provide for the conveyance of certain Federal lands adjacent to Or- chard and Lake Shore Drives, Lake Lowell, Boise project, Idaho Dec. 1, 1983 1352 98-197 Presidential Commission for the German-American Tri- centennial. JOINT RESOLUTION To extend the term of the Presidential Commission for the German-Ameri- can Tricentennial, and for other purposes Dec. 1, 1983 1353 98-198 International health efforts for children. JOINT RESO- LUTION Expressing the sense of the Congress with re- spect to international efforts to further a revolution in child health Dec. 1, 1983 1355