Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/408

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97 STAT. 376 PUBLIC LAW 98-67 —AUG. 5, 1983 membership acquired, or contract entered into, before Jan- uary 1, 1984. " (4) EXCEPTION FOR READILY TRADABLE INSTRUMENTS ACQUIRED THROUGH EXISTING BROKERAGE ACCOUNTS. —Subparagraph (B) of paragraph (2) shall not apply with respect to a readily tradable instrument which was acquired through an account with a broker if— "(A) such account was established before January 1, 1984, and "(B) during 1988, such broker bought or sold instruments for the payee (or acted as a nominee for the payee) through such account. The preceding sentence shall not apply with respect to any readily tradable instrument acquired through such account after the broker was notified by the Secretary that the payee is subject to withholding under subsection (a)(l)(C). "(e) PERIOD FOR WHICH WITHHOLDING Is IN EFFECT.— "(1) FAILURE TO FURNISH TIN. — In the case of any failure by a payee to furnish his TIN to a payor in the manner required, subsection (a) shall apply to any reportable payment made by such payor during the period during which the TIN has not been furnished in the manner required. "(2) NOTIFICATION OF INCORRECT NUMBER.—In any case in which the Secretary notifies the payor that the TIN furnished by the payee is incorrect, subsection (a) shall apply to any reportable pa3niient made by such payor— "(A) after the close of the 30th day after the day on which the payor received such notification, and "(B) before the payee furnishes another TIN in the manner required. " (3) NOTIFIED PAYEE UNDERREPORTING DESCRIBED IN SUBSEC- TION (c).— "(A) IN GENERAL.— In the case of any notified payee underreporting described in subsection (c), subsection (a) shall apply to any reportable interest or dividend payment made— "(i) after the close of the 30th day after the day on which the payor received notification from the Secre- tary of such underreporting, and (ii) before the stop date. "(B) STOP DATE. —For purposes of this subsection, the term 'stop date' means the determination effective date or, if later, the earlier of— "(i) the day on which the payor received notification from the Secretary under subsection (c)(3)(B) to stop withholding, or "(ii) the day on which the payor receives from the payee a certification provided by the Secretary under subsection (c)(3)(B). "(C) DETERMINATION EFFECTIVE DATE. — For purposes of this subsection— "(i) IN GENERAL.— Except as provided in clause (ii), the determination effective date of any determination under subsection (c)(3)(A) which is made during the 12- month period ending on October 15 of any calendar year shall be the first January 1 following such October 15.