Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/506

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97 STAT. 474 PUBLIC LAW 98-78—AUG. 15, 1983 "State." Copies to State Governors and D.C. Mayor. Fiscal year limitation. 23 USC 104 note. Office of Personnel Management regulatory proposals. tional associations directly involved in matters relating to the issue of special parking privileges for disabled individuals; and (7) despite these efforts the fact remains that many States may need to give the matter legislative consideration to ensure a proper resolution of this issue, especially as it relates to law enforcement and placard responsibility. (b) The Congress encourages each of the several States working through the National Governors Conference to— (1) adopt the International Symbol of Access as the only recognized and adopted symbol to be used to identify vehicles carrying those citizens with acknowledged physical im- payments; (2) grant to vehicles displaying this symbol the special park- ing privileges which a State may provide; and (3) permit the International Symbol of Access to appear either on a specialized license plate, or on a specialized placard placed in the vehicles so as to be clearly visible through the front windshield, or on both such places. (c) It is the sense of the Congress that agreements of reciprocity relating to the special parking privileges granted handicapped indi- viduals should be developed and entered into by and between the several States so as to— (1) facilitate the free and unencumbered use between the several States, of the special parking privileges afforded those people with acknowledged handicapped conditions, without regard to the State of residence of the handicapped person utilizing such privilege; (2) improve the ease of law enforcement in each State of its special parking privileges and to facilitate the handling of violators; and (3) ensure that motor vehicles carrying individuals with ac- knowledged handicapped conditions be given fair and predict- able treatment throughout the Nation. (d) As used in this section the term "State" means the several States and the District of Columbia. (e) The Secretary of Transportation shall provide a copy of this section to the Governor of each State and the Mayor of the District of Columbia. SEC. 322. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the limita- tion on total obligations for Federal-aid highways and highway safety construction programs for fiscal year 1984 contained in title I of this Act shall be reduced by $80,000,000. SEC. 323. None of the funds appropriated by this Act or any other Act may be obligated or expended before October 15, 1983— (1) to adopt, to issue, or to carry out a final rule or regulation, a final revision, addition, or amendment to regulations, or a final statement of policy based on any proposed rule, or regula- tion, any proposed revision, addition, or amendment to regula- tions, or any proposed statement of policy of which a notice was published in parts III-VI of the Federal Register on March 30, 1983 (48 F.R. 13,342 to 13,381) or in parts III through VI of the Federal Register on July 14, 1983 (48 F.R. 32,275 to 32,312); or