Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/552

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97 STAT. 520 PUBLIC LAW 98-89 —AUG. 26, 1983 Promotional literature or advertising. Civil penalty. 16 UST 185; TIAS 9700. Civil penalty. coastwise or an international voyage shall notify each prospective passenger of the safety standards applicable to the vessel in a manner prescribed by r^ulation. (b) All promotional literature or advertising through any medium of communication in the United States offering passage or soliciting passengers for ocean voyages anywhere in the world shall include information similar to the information described in subsection (a) of this section, and shall specify the registry of each vessel named, as a part of the advertisement or description of the voyage. Except for the inclusion of the country of registry of the vessel, this subsection does not apply to voyages by vessels meeting the safety standards described in section 3505 of this title. (c) A person violating this section or a r^ulation prescribed under this section is liable to the United States Government for a civil penalty of not more than $10,000. If the violation involves the sale of tickets for passage, the owner, charterer, managing operator, agent, master, individual in charge, or any other person involved in each violation also is liable to the Government for a civil penalty of $500 for each ticket sold. The vessel on which passage is sold also is liable in rem for a violation of this section or a regulation prescribed under this section. §3505. Prevention of departure Notwithstanding section 3303(a) of this title, a foreign or domestic vessel of more than 100 gross tons having berth or stateroom accommodations for at least 50 passengers may not depart from a United States port with passengers who are embarked at that port, if the Secretary finds that the vessel does not comply with the standards stated in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea to which the United States Government is currently a party. §3506. Copies of laws A master of a passenger vessel shall keep on board a copy of this subtitle, to be provided by the Secretary at reasonable cost. If the master fails to do so, the master is liable to the United States Government for a civil penalty of $200. CHAPTER 37—CARRIAGE OF LIQUID BULK DANGEROUS CARGOES Sec. 3701. Definitions. 3702. Application. 3703. Regulations. 3704. Coastwise trade vessels. 3705. Crude oil tanker minimum standards. 3706. Product carrier minimum standards. 3707. Tanker minimum standards. 3708. Self-propelled tank vessel minimum standards. 3709. Exemptions. 3710. Evidence of compliance by vessels of the United States. 3711. Evidence of compliance by foreign vessels. 3712. Notification of noncompli£mce. 3713. Prohibited acts. 3714. Inspection and examination. 3715. Lightering. 3716. Tank washings. 3717. Marine safety information system. 3718. Penalties.