Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/583

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PUBLIC LAW 98-89 —AUG. 26, 1983 97 STAT. 551 (3) A vessel of at least 200 gross tons but less than 1,000 gross tons and propelled by machinery shall have 2 licensed mates. (4) A vessel of at least 100 gross tons but less than 200 gross tons and propelled by machinery shall have one licensed mate. However, if the vessel is on a voyage of more than 24 hours, it shall have 2 licensed mates. (5) A freight vessel or a passenger vessel of at least 300 gross tons and propelled by machinery shall have a licensed engineer. (b) An offshore supply vessel on a voyage of less than 600 miles shall have a licensed mate. However, if the vessel is on a voyage of at least 600 miles, the vessel shall have 2 licensed mates. An offshore supply vessel of more than 200 gross tons may not be operated without a licensed engineer. (c) Subsection (a) of this section does not apply to a fishing or whaling vessel or a yacht. (d) The Secretary may— (1) suspend any part of this chapter during a national emer- gency proclaimed by the President; and (2) increase the number of licensed individuals on a vessel to which this chapter applies if, in the Secretary's judgment, the vessel is not sufficiently manned for safe operation. § 8302. Staff department (a) This section applies to a vessel of the United States except— (1) a fishing or whaling vessel or a yacht; (2) a vessel operated only on bays, sounds, inland waters, and lakes (except the Great Lakes); and (3) a vessel ferrying passengers and cars on the Great Lakes. (b) The staff department on a vessel is a separate and independent department. It consists of individuals registered under section 7101 of this title, clerks and individuals assigned to the senior registered medical doctor. (c) The staff department is composed of a medical division and a purser's division. The officer in charge of each division is responsible only to the master. The senior registered medical doctor is in charge of the medical division. The senior registered purser is in charge of the purser's division. (d) The officer in charge of the purser's division of the staff department on an oceangoing passenger vessel licensed to carry more than 100 passengers sh^l be a registered chief purser. When more than 3 persons are employed in the purser's division of that vessel, there also shall be at least one registered senior assistant purser and one registered junior assistant purser. (e) A person may not employ an individual to serve in, and an Civil penalty individual may not serve in, a grade of staff officer on a vessel, when that staff officer is required by this section to be registered, if the individual does not have a certificate of registry as staff officer in that grade. A person (including an individual) violating this subsec- tion is liable to the United States Government for a civil penalty of $100. However, if a registered staff officer is not available at the time of sailing, the vessel may sail with an unregistered staff officer or without a staff officer. (f) A staff officer may not be included in a vessel's certificate of inspection. (g) A registered staff officer serving under this section who is a member of the Naval Reserve may wear on the officer's uniform Purse r's division. Naval Reserve members.