Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/749

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PUBLIC LAW 98-99 —SEPT. 28, 1983 97 STAT. 717 Public Law 98-99 98th Congress Joint Resolution To authorize and request the President to issue a proclamation designating April 22 Sept. 28, 1983 through April 28, 1984, as "National Organ Donation Awareness Week". [H.J. Res. 229] Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President is National Organ authorized and requested to issue a proclamation designating April Donation 22 through April 28, 1984, as "National Organ Donation Awareness ^^T"^^^ Week". Approved September 28, 1983. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.J. Res. 229: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 129 (1983): May 12, considered and passed House. Sept. 20, considered and passed Senate.