Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/899

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PUBLIC LAW 98-138—OCT. 28, 1983 97 STAT. 867 The commission shall be a body corporate with the powers and duties set forth herein. "ARTICLE IV "The duty of said commission shall be to make inquiry and Duties. ascertain from time to time such methods, practices, circumstances, and conditions as may be disclosed for bringing about the restora- tion of Atlantic salmon in the Connecticut River and its tributaries. "To promote restoration, preservation, and protection of Atlantic salmon in the Connecticut River Basin, the commission may draft and recommend to the Governors of the various signatory States legislation to accomplish this end. The commission shall, more than 60 days prior to any regular meeting of the legislature of any signatory State, present to the Governor of the States its recommen- dations relating to proposed enactments to be made by the legisla- ture of the State in furthering the intents and purposes of this compact. "The commission shall have the power to recommend to the States party hereto stocking programs, management procedures, and research projects and when two or more States party hereto shall jointly stock waters or undertake cooperative management or research, the commission shall act as the coordinating agency. The commission, using all available means, shall encourage acquisition by the signatory States of river bank, river bed, and access thereto. "The commission shall consult with and advise the pertinent administrative agencies in the signatory States with regard to other anadromous species and their potential impact or the potential impact of sport fisheries and commercial fisheries for other anadro- mous species on the restoration of Atlantic salmon to the Connecti- cut River Basin. "In the interest of developing a sound program of Atlantic salmon Regulations, management, the commission shall promulgate regulations govern- ing Atlantic salmon fishing in the mainstem of the Connecticut River in all four signatory States as hereinafter provided. Such regulations may: (1) establish the open and closed seasons for Atlan- tic salmon which may vary by river section, (2) establish hours, days, or periods during the open season when fishing for Atlantic salmon shall not be permitted in designated areas, (3) prescribe the legal methods of taking Atlantic salmon including the type of gear such as gaffs, landing nets, or tailers which may be used to assist in landing fish, (4) establish a minimum legal length for Atlantic salmon, (5) establish a daily creel limit, the season creel limit, and the possession limit for Atlantic salmon. "The commission shall recommend, review, and issue comments on such regulations as may be promulgated by the signatory States governing Atlantic salmon fishing in tributary streams. The States of Connecticut and Massachusetts agree to make available for brood- stock, from fish taken in the fish passage facilities at the Rainbow Reservoir Dam and the Holyoke Power Company Dam, such num- bers of adult Atlantic salmon as the commission deems necessary to carry out the Atlantic salmon restoration program. "The commission shall have the power to issue a Connecticut Licenses and River Basin Atlantic salmon license and the sale of such licenses ^^^^ shall be handled by the individual signatory States or their author- ized agents. The individual signatory States shall be accountable to the commission for all such licenses and the moneys received there- from. The initial fee for such licenses shall be determined by Recommendations, review, and comments.