Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/914

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97 STAT. 882 PUBLIC LAW 98-139—OCT. 31, 1983 10 USC 1071 et seq. personnel under the Dependents' Medical Care Act (10 U.S.C. ch. 55), such amounts as may be required during the current fiscal year. HEALTH CARE FINANCING ADMINISTRATION GRANTS TO STATES FOR MEDICAID For carrying out, except as otherwise provided, title XIX of the 42 USC 1396. Social Security Act, $15,568,108,000 (in addition to the $5,105,600,000 previously appropriated), to remain available until expended. For making, after May 31, 1984, payments to States under title XIX of the Social Security Act, for the last quarter of fiscal year 1984 for unanticipated costs, incurred for the current fiscal year, such sums as may be necessary, the obligations and the expendi- tures to be charged to the subsequent appropriations for the current or succeeding fiscal year. Payment under title XIX may be made for any quarter beginning after June 30, 1983, and before October 1, 1984, with respect to any State plan or plan amendment in effect during any such quarter, if submitted in, or prior to, such quarter and approved in that or any such subsequent quarter. For making payments to States under title XIX of the Social Security Act for the first quarter of fiscal year 1985, $5,552,000,000 to remain available until expended. Ante, pp. 103, 104; 42 USC 1395w. 42 USC 426a, 1395i-l. 42 USC 426 note. 42 USC 1301, 1395, 1396. 42 USC 401. 42 USC 1395h note. PAYMENTS TO HEALTH CARE TRUST FUNDS For payment to the Federal Hospital Insurance and the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds, as provided under sections 217(g), 229(b) and 1844 of the Social Security Act, sections 103(c) and 111(d) of the Social Security Amendments of 1965, and section 278(d) of Public Law 97-248, $17,682,000,000. PROGRAM MANAGEMENT For cariying out, except as otherwise provided, titles XI, XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act, $90,200,000 together with not to exceed $1,024,237,000 to be transferred to this appropriation as authorized by section 201(g) of the Social Security Act, from the Federal Hospital Insurance and the Federal Supplemental^ Medical Insurance Trust Funds referred to therein: Provided, That these amounts shall be in addition to $45,000,000 for this purpose avail- able under section 118 of Public Law 97-248: Provided further. That $25,000,000 of the foregoing amount shall be expended only to the extent necessary to process workloads not anticipated in the budget estimates and to meet unanticipated costs of agencies or organiza- tions with which ^reements have been made to participate in the administration of title XVIII and after maximum absorption of such costs within the remainder of the existing limitation has been achieved. SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION PAYMENTS TO SOCIAL SECURITY TRUST FUNDS For payment to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Funds, as provided under