Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 1.djvu/1182

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 1134


42 USC 602.

SEC. 2621. Section 402(a)(18) of the Social Security Act is amended by striking out "150 percent of the State's standard of need" and inserting in lieu thereof "185 percent of the State's standard of need". WORK EXPENSE DEDUCTION

SEC. 2622. Section 402(a)(8)(A)(ii) of the Social Security Act is amended by striking out all that follows "the first $75 of the total of such earned income for such month" and inserting in lieu thereof a semicolon. CONTINUATION OF $30 DISREGARD FROM EARNED INCOME

SEC. 2623. (a) Section 402(a)(8)(A)(iv) of the Social Security Act is amended by inserting "(I)" after "equal to", and by inserting "(II)" after "plus". (b) Section 402(a)(8)(B)(ii)(I) of such Act is amended— (1) by striking out all that precedes "specified in subparagraph (A)(ii)" and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "(I) shall not disregard— "(a) under subclause (II) of subparagraph (A)(iv), in a case where such subclause has already been applied to the income of the persons involved for four consecutive months while they were receiving aid under the plan, or "(b) under subclause (I) of subparagraph (A)(iv), in a case where such subclause has already been applied to the income of the persons involved for twelve consecutive months while they were receiving aid under the plan, any earned income of any of the persons"; and (2) by striking out "and subparagraph (A)(iv) has not already been applied to their income for four consecutive months while they were receiving aid under the plan". (c) Section 402(a)(8)(B)(ii)(II) of such Act is amended by striking out "shall not apply" where it first appears and all that follows down through "any month thereafter" and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "shall not apply the provisions of subclause (II) of such subparagraph to any month after such month, or apply the provisions of subclause (I) of such subparagraph to any month after the eighth month following such month, for so long as he continues to receive aid under the plan, and shall not apply the provisions of either such subclause to any month thereafter". WORK TRANSITION IN THE CASE OF CERTAIN FAMILIES WHO LOSE AFDC BENEFITS BECAUSE OF EARNED INCOME

SEC. 2624. (a) Section 402(a) of the Social Security Act is amended— (1) by striking out "and" after the semicolon at the end of paragraph (35);