Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 1.djvu/145

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

PUBLIC LAW 98-242—MAR. 22, 1984

98 STAT. 97

Public Law 98-242 98th Congress A n Act To authorize an ongoing program of water resources research, and for other purposes.

Mar. 22, 1984 [S. 684]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Water Resources United States of America in Congress assembled, Research Act of TITLE I SEC. 101. This Act may be cited as the "Water Resources Research Act of 1984". SEC. 102. The Congress finds and declares that— (1) the existence of an adequate supply of water of good quality for the production of materials and energy for the Nation's needs and for the efficient use of the Nation's energy and water resources is essential to national economic stability and growth, and to the well-being of the people; (2) the management of water resources is closely related to maintaining environmental quality and social well-being; (3) there is an increasing threat of impairment to the quantity and quality of surface and groundwater resources; (4) the Nation's capabilities for technological assessment and planning and for policy formulation for water resources must be strengthened at the Federal, State, and local governmental levels; (5) there should be a continuing national investment in water and related research and technology commensurate with growing national needs; (6) it is necessary to provide for the research and development of technology for the conversion of saline and other impaired waters to a quality suitable for municipal, industrial, agricultural, recreational, and other beneficial uses; and (7) the Nation must provide programs to strengthen research and associated graduate education because the pool of scientists, engineers, and technicians trained in fields related to water resources constitutes an invaluable natural resource which should be increased, fully utilized, and regularly replenished. SEC, 103. It is the purpose of this Act to assist the Nation and the States in augmenting their water resources science and technology as a way to— (1) assure supplies of water sufficient in quantity and quality to meet the Nation's expanding needs for the production of food, materials, and energy; (2) discover practical solutions to the Nation's water and water resources related problems, particularly those problems related to impaired water quality; (3) assure the protection and enhancement of environmental and social values in connection with water resources management and utilization;


42 USC 10301 note. 42 USC 10301.

Science and technology. 42 USC 10302.