Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 1.djvu/454

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 406 Summersville Lake Project, W. Va.

Mauvaise Terre Levee, 111.

Peoria Lake, 111. 97 Stat. 1293.

Barbourville, Ky. 97 Stat. 253.

Hurst, Tex.

62 Stat. 1182. Miami Harbor, Fla. 97 Stat. 247.

Louisiana World's Fair exhibit. 97 Stat. 1292. Savannah Harbor, Ga. Real property.

York, Pa.

.01 -JSJS

PUBLIC LAW 98-360—JULY 16, 1984 SEC. 107. Funds appropriated under any provision of law for the operation of the Summersville Lake, West Virginia Project shall be used to carry out all authorized project purposes of such project, including but not limited to Whitewater recreation of the Gauley River downstream of such project. SEC. 108. The Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is authorized and directed to undertake the necessary construction measures to increase the level of flood protection currently afforded by the Mauvaise Terre Levee, at and in the vicinity of Naples, Illinois, to a one hundred-year recurrence interval flood event. SEC. 109. Section 1304 of the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1984, Public Law 98-181, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: "including a determination of the advisability of the preservation, enhancement, and rehabilitation of Peoria Lake in the vicinity of Peoria, Illinois, in the interest of recreation, fish and wildlife resources, environmental quality, and local and regional development.". SEC. 110. Flood control measures authorized by section 202 of the 1981 Energy and Water Development Appropriation Act involving high levees and floodwalls in urban areas should provide for a standard project flood level of protection for Barbourville, Kentucky. SEC. 111. The Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is directed to construct the Lorean and Calloway Branches, Hurst, Texas, flood control projects under the authority of section 205 of the Flood Control Act of 1948, as amended, except that bridge and utility costs shall be at Federal expense. SEC. 112. The Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is directed to construct the Miami Harbor, Bay Front Park, Florida project under the authority of Public Law 98-50 except that the sheetpile foundation and utility trench for the Park's fountain and land fill necessary for Park development shall be at Federal expense. SEC. 113. Section 1301 of Public Law 98-181 is amended by striking the amount "$2,000,000" and inserting in lieu thereof the amount "$3,000,000". SEC. 114. Within available funds, channel widening and bends easing shall be accomplished at the Savannah Harbor, Georgia navigation channel in the vicinity of miles 11.6, 13.5, and 14.5 to allow for the free movement of vessels. SEC. 116. Subject to approval by the Committees on Appropriations, funds herein or hereafter provided may be used (1) to acquire improved real property or to acquire unimproved real property and construct or have constructed thereon an appropriate residence for the official use of Corps of Engineers Division Commanders in those areas where appropriate housing cannot otherwise be provided; and (2) to operate and maintain such property. Provisions of law and regulations applicable to the acquisition, operation, and maintenance of military housing shall not apply to housing acquired under this section. SEC. 117. The Corps of Engineers is authorized and directed to design and construct repairs to stabilize the existing levee at York, Pennsylvania, in the vicinity of the city's wastewater treatment plant, including, but not limited to placing drainage material and gabion protection along a 600-foot section of unstable levee, at a cost not to exceed $200,000.