Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 2.djvu/917

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

PUBLIC LAW 98-473—OCT. 12, 1984

98 STAT. 2077

suspend shall be conducted pursuant to this subsection in accordance with subchapter II of chapter 5 of title 5 of the United States Code. Such proceedings shall be independent of, and not in lieu of, criminal prosecutions or other proceedings under this title or any other law of the United States. "(5) The Attorney General may, in his discretion, suspend any registration simultaneously with the institution of proceedings under this subsection, in cases where he finds that there is an imminent danger to the public health and safety. Such suspension shall continue in effect until the conclusion of such proceedings, including judicial review thereof, unless sooner withdrawn by the Attorney General or dissolved by a court of competent jurisdiction. "(6) In the event that the Attorney General suspends or revokes a registration granted under this section, all controlled substances owned or possessed by the registrant pursuant to such registration at the time of suspension or the effective date of the revocation order, as the case may be, may, in the discretion of the Attorney General, be seized or placed under seal. No disposition may be made of any controlled substances under seal until the time for taking an appeal has elapsed or until all appeals have been concluded, except that a court, upon application therefor, may at any time order the sale of perishable controlled substances. Any such order shall require the deposit of the proceeds of the sale with the court. Upon a revocation order becoming final, all such controlled substances (or proceeds of the sale thereof which have been deposited with the court) shall be forfeited to the United States; and the Attorney General shall dispose of such controlled substances in accordance with section 511(e) of the Controlled Substances Act."; and (2) by striking our "304," in the second sentence of redesignated subsection (e). CHAPTER VI DIVISION I—JUSTICE ASSISTANCE

5 USC 551.

Ante, p. 2051.

Justice Assistance Act of

Subdivision A—Amendments to Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 SHORT TITLE

SEC. 601. This division may be cited as the "Justice Assistance Act of 1984 ".

42 USC 3711 note.


SEC. 602. Title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3701-3799) is amended in the matter preceding part A by striking out the declaration and purpose. OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS

SEC. 603. (a) Part A of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3711-3713) is amended to read as follows—

42 USC 3701.