98 STAT. 3428
PRIVATE LAW 98-32—OCT. 11, 1984 P r i v a t e Law 98-32 98th Congress An Act
Oct 11 1984 [H.R. 4968]
'^^ provide for the conveyance by the Secretary of Energy of surface rights to certain parcels of land located on Naval Petroleum Reserve Numbered 2 in the State of California on which private residences are located.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. (a) Subject to section 2, the Secretary of Energy (hereinafter in this Act referred to as the "Secretary") shall make the conveyances described in subsection (b) in accordance with this Act. The interest of the United States to be conveyed in each instance is all surface rights of the United States in the parcel of land involved. (b) Each parcel of land referred to in a paragraph of this subsection is located on Naval Petroleum Reserve Numbered 2, in the northwest quarter of section 12, township 32 south, range 23 east. Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, Kern County, California, and is more particularly described in a survey dated November 5, 1982, on file in the Naval Petroleum Reserves in California Office of the Office of Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves of the Department of Energy. The conveyances referred to in subsection (a) are the following: (1) Conveyance to Robert Lee Starkey of Taft, California, of the parcel of land known as lot 110, consisting of 0.41 acres, more or less. (2) Conveyance to Seth Fowler of Glendale, California, of the parcel of land known as lot 118y2, consisting of 0.34 acres, more or less. (3) Conveyance to Ernest Olaf Johnson and Patricia Louise Johnson of Taft, California, of the parcel of land known as lot 815, consisting of 0.11 acres, more or less. (4) Conveyance to Howard Byron Gray and Ruth Alice Gray of Taft, California, of the parcel of land known as lot 816, consisting of 0.03 acres, more or less. (5) Conveyance to Herbert Henry Mitchell and Alma Tola Mitchell of Taft, California, of the parcel of land known as lot 817, consisting of 0.30 acres, more or less. (6) Conveyance to Wilma Arlene Kelly of Taft, California, of the parcel of land known as lot 819, consisting of 0.20 acres, more or less. (7) Conveyance to Elton D. Divelbiss of Taft, California, of the parcel of land known as lot 820, consisting of 0.60 acres, more or less. (8) Conveyance to Mildred E. Phillips of Taft, California, of the parcel of land known as lot 823, consisting of 0.35 acres, more or less. (9) Conveyance to Daniel Dwayne Wilson and Linda Sue Wilson of Taft, California, of the parcel of land known as lot 825, consisting of 0.41 acres, more or less. (10) Conveyance to Ralph Elmer Knowles and Jenita Laura Knowles of Taft, California, of the parcel of land known as lot 900, consisting of 0.37 acres, more or less. SEC. 2. As payment for the conveyance by the United States under a paragraph of section Kb), the individuals referred to in such paragraph shall pay to the United States the amount determined by