Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 3.djvu/293

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

PUBLIC LAW 98-527—OCT. 19, 1984

98 STAT. 2665

"(B) The term 'service activities' includes, with respect to a priority service or a service described in subparagraph (A)(ii)— (i) the provision of specialized services in the area which respond to unmet needs of persons with developmental disabilities; "(ii) model service programs in the area; "(iii) activities to increase the capacity of agencies to provide services in the area; "(iv) the coordination of the provision of services in the area with the provision of other services; "(v) outreach to individuals for the provision of services in the area; "(vi) the training of personnel, including parents of persons with developmental disabilities, professionals, and volunteers, to provide services in the area; and "(vii) similar activities designed to expand the use and availability of services in the area. "(C) The term 'priority services' means alternative community living arrangement services, employment related activities, child development services, and case management services. "(D) The term 'alternative community living arrangement services' means such services as will assist persons with developmental disabilities in developing or maintaining suitable residential arrangements in the community, including in-house services (such as personsil aides and attendants and other domestic assistance and supportive services), family support services, foster care services, group living services, respite care, recreation and socialization services, and staff training, placement, and maintenance services. "(E) The term 'employment related activities' means such services as will increase the independence, productivity, or integration of a person with developmental disabilities in work settings, including such services as employment preparation and vocational training leading to supported employment, incentive programs for employers who hire persons with developmental disabilities, services to assist transition from special education to employment, and services to assist transition from sheltered work settings to supported emplo3ment settings or competitive employment. "(F) The term 'supported employment' means paid employment which— "(i) is for persons with developmental disabilities for whom competitive employment at or above the minimum wage is unlikely and who, because of their disabilities, need intensive ongoing support to perform in a work setting; "(ii) is conducted in a variety of settings, particularly worksites in which persons without disabilities are emploved; and ' (iii) is supported by any activity needed to sustain pgdd work by persons with disabilities, including supervision, training, and transportation. "(G) The term 'child development services' means such services as will assist in the prevention, identification, and alleviation of developmental disabilities in children, including early intervention services, counseling and training of parents, early identification of developmental disabilities, and diagnosis and evaluation of such developmental disabilities.