Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 3.djvu/344

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 2716

PUBLIC LAW 98-538—OCT. 19, 1984

Public Law 98-538 98th Congress Joint Resolution Oct. 19, 1984 [H.J. Res. 638]

Designating October 1984 as "National Head Injury Awareness Month".

Whereas an estimated four hundred and fifty thousand to seven hundred thousand people require hospitalization each year for head injuries; Whereas an estimated one hundred thousand of these victims die as a result of head injuries; Whereas approximately fifty thousand head injury victims, more than two-thirds of whom are under the age of thirty, suffer permanent brain damage that prevents them from returning to schools, jobs, or normal lifestyles; Whereas the effects of head injuries are emotionally and financially devastating to families; Whereas there is a serious lack of facilities designed to care for the special needs of the head injured; and Whereas long-term medical research on brain injured patients is incomplete: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That October 1984 is designated "National Head Injury Awareness Month". The President is requested to issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe that month with appropriate programs and activities. Approved October 19, 1984.

LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.J. Res. 638 (S.J. Res. 352): CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 130 (1984): Oct. 2, considered and passed House. Oct. 5, considered and passed Senate.