Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 3.djvu/476

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 2848

Effective date. 49 USC 10922 note.

PUBLIC LAW 98-554—OCT. 30, 1984

(b) The second sentence of such section is amended by inserting after "such moratorium" the following: "or impose such a moratorium". (c) The amendments made by this section shall take effect on September 19, 1984. CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION FOR FOREIGN MOTOR CARRIERS

SEC. 226. (a)(1) Subchapter II of chapter 105 of title 49, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section: 49 USC 10530.

49 USC 10922. 49 USC 10923.

49 USC 10526. 49 USC 10521.

49 USC 10321. 5 USC 551.

"§ 10530. Certificates of registration for certain foreign carriers "(a) In this section— "(1) 'registrable year' means the six-month period beginning July 1, 1985, and ending December 31, 1985, calendar year 1986, and each calendar year thereafter. "(2) 'foreign motor carrier' means a motor carrier of property— "(A) which does not hold a certificate issued under section 10922 of this title or a permit issued under section 10923 of this title; and "(B)(i) which is domiciled in any contiguous foreign country; or "(ii) which is owned or controlled by persons of any contiguous foreign country and is not domiciled in the United States. "(3) 'foreign motor private carrier' means a motor private carrier— "(A) which is domiciled in any contiguous foreign country; or "(B) which is owned or controlled by persons of any contiguous foreign country and is not domiciled in the United States. "(4) 'exempt items' means items described in paragraphs (4), (6), (11), (12), (13), and (15) of section 10526(a) of this subchapter and items transported under paragraph (5) of such section. "(5) 'interstate transportation' means transportation described in section 10521(a) of this subchapter and transportation in the United States exempt from the jurisdiction of the Commission under section 10526(b)(1) of this subchapter. "(b)(l) Except as provided in this section, no foreign motor carrier may provide interstate transportation of exempt items in any registrable year unless the Commission has issued to the carrier a certificate of registration under this section authorizing the carrier to provide such transportation in such year. "(2) Except as provided in this section, no foreign motor private carrier may provide interstate transportation of property (including exempt items) in any registrable year unless the Commission has issued to the carrier a certificate of registration under this section authorizing the carrier to provide such transportation in such year. "(c) Without regard to subchapter II of chapter 103 of this title and subchapter II of chapter 5 of title 5, the Commission shall issue a certificate of registration to any foreign motor carrier authorizing the carrier to provide interstate transportation of exempt items in any registrable year, and to any foreign motor private carrier