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PUBLIC LAW 98-595—OCT. 30, 1984
98 STAT. 3133
(3) The last sentence of section 15 is amended to read as Ante, p. 84. follows: "Whoever fails to file a certificate required by the Commission under this subsection is liable to the United States for a civil penalty of not more than $5,000 for each day the violation continues.". Approved October 30, 1984.
LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.R. 5833: HOUSE REPORT No. 98-888 (Comm. on Merchant Marine and Fisheries). SENATE REPORT No. 98-652 (Comm. on Commerce, Science, and Transportation). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 130 (1984): July 24, considered and passed House. Oct. 10, considered and passed Senate, amended. Oct. 11, House concurred in Senate amendments.