Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 1.djvu/1064

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

99 STAT. 1042 Reports.



State and local governments.

Post, p. 1044.

PUBLIC LAW 99-177—DEC. 12, 1985

general public, and national organizations as the committee deems desirable. Each of the recommendations as to short-term and medium-term goals set forth in the report submitted by the members of the Joint Economic Committee under subsection (d) may be considered by the Committee on the Budget of each House as part of its consideration of such concurrent resolution, and its report may reflect its views thereon, including its views on how the estimates of revenues and levels of budget authority and outlays set forth in such concurrent resolution are designed to achieve any goals it is recommending. The report accompanying such concurrent resolution shall include, but not be limited to— "(1) a comparison of revenues estimated by the committee with those estimated in the budget submitted by the President; "(2) a comparison of the appropriate levels of total budget outlays and total new budget authority, total direct loan obligations, total primary loan guarantee commitments, as set forth in such concurrent resolution, with those estimated or requested in the budget submitted by the President; "(3) with respect to each major functional category, an estimate of budget outlays and an appropriate level of new budget authority for all proposed programs and for all existing programs (including renewals thereof), with the estimate and level for existing programs being divided between permanent authority and funds provided in appropriation Acts, and with each such division being subdivided between controllable amounts and all other amounts; "(4) an allocation of the level of Federal revenues recommended in the concurrent resolution among the major sources of such revenues; "(5) the economic assumptions and objectives which underlie each of the matters set forth in such concurrent resolution and any alternative economic assumptions and objectives which the committee considered; "(6) projections (not limited to the following), for the period of five fiscal years beginning with such fiscal year, of the estimated levels of total budget outlays and total new budget authority, the estimated revenues to be received, and the estimated surplus or deficit, if any, for each fiscal year in such period, and the estimated levels of tax expenditures (the tax expenditures budget) by major functional categories; "(7) a statement of any significant changes in the proposed levels of Federal assistance to State and local governments; "(8) information, data, and comparisons indicating the manner in which, and the basis on which, the committee determined each of the matters set forth in the concurrent resolution; and "(9) allocations described in section 302(a). "(f)

15 USC 1022a. President of U.S. Report.



"(1) If, pursuant to section 4(c) of the Employment Act of 1946, the President recommends in the Economic Report that the goals for reducing unemployment set forth in section 4(b) of such Act be achieved in a year after the close of the five-year period prescribed by such subsection, the concurrent resolution on the budget for the fiscal year beginning after the date on which such Economic Report is received by the Congress may set forth the year in which, in the opinion of the Congress, such goals can be achieved.