Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 1.djvu/175

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

PUBLIC LAW 99-64—JULY 12, 1985

99 STAT. 153

of Defense, the Secretary of State, and such other departments and agencies as the Secretary considers appropriate. The preceding sentence does not require the concurrence or approval of any official, department, or agency to which such regulations are submitted. "(c) AMENDMENTS TO REGULATIONS.—If the Secretary proposejs to


amend regulations issued under this Act, the Secretary shall report to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives on the intent and rationale of such amendments. Such report shall evaluate the cost and burden to United States exporters of the proposed amendments in relation to any enhancement of licensing objectives. The Secretary shall consult with the technical advisory committees authorized under section 5(h) of this Act in formulating or amending regulations issued under this Act. Ante, p. 130. The procedures defined by regulations in effect on January 1, 1984, with respect to sections 4 and 5 of this Act, shall remain in effect 50 USC app. unless the Secretary determines, on the basis of substantial and 2403. reliable evidence, that specific change is necessary to enhance the prevention of diversions of exports which would prove detrimental to the national security of the United States or to reduce the licensing and paperwork burden on exporters and their distributors.". (b) PAY FOR THE UNDER SECRETARY.—Section 5314 of title 5, United

States Code, is amended by inserting "Under Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration," after "Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs,". (c) PAY FOR THE ASSISTANT SECRETARIES.—Section 5315 of such title 5 USC 5315. is amended by striking out "Assistant Secretaries of Commerce (8)." and inserting in lieu thereof "Assistant Secretaries of Commerce (11).". (d) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The provisions of section 15(a) of the Export 5 USC 5314 note. Administration Act of 1979, as amended by subsection (a) of this section, and the amendments made by subsections (b) and (c) of this section shall take effect on October 1, 1986. (e) BUDGET ACT.—Any new spending authority (within the mean- 50 USC app. 2414 ing of section 401 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974) which is note.^ provided under this section shall be effective for any fiscal year only 2 USC 651. to the extent or in such amounts as are provided in appropriation Acts. SEC. 117. DEFINITIONS.

Section 16 (50 U.S.C. App. 2415) is amended— (1) in paragraph (3), by inserting "natural or manmade substance," after "article,"; (2) by amending paragraph (4) to read as follows: "(4) the term 'technology' means the information and knowhow (whether in tangible form, such as models, protot3^pes, drawings, sketches, diagrams, blueprints, or manuals, or in intangible form, such as training or technical services) that can be used to design, produce, manufacture, utilize, or reconstruct goods, including computer software and technical data, but not the goods themselves;"; (3) by redesignating paragraph (5) as paragraph (8); and (4) by inserting after paragraph (4) the following new paragraphs: "(5) the term 'export' means—