Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 1.djvu/342

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

99 STAT. 320

98 Stat. 2698.

43 USC 1521.

PUBLIC LAW 99-88—AUG. 15, 1985 $1,000,000 shall be available for transfers to the Upper Colorado River Basin Fund as authorized by section 5 of the Act of April 11, 1956 (43 U.S.C. 620d): Provided, That of the total appropriated, the amount for program activities which can be financed by the Reclamation Fund may be derived from that Fund: Provided further. That of the total appropriated, $8,300,000 is appropriated pursuant to the Snyder Act (25 U.S.C. 13), to be expended by the Bureau of Reclamation for the purpose of designing and initiating construction of the Headgate Rock Hydroelectric Project, Arizona: Provided further. That none of the funds herein appropriated may be expended to undertake projects except under terms and conditions acceptable to the Secretary of the Interior as shall be set forth in binding agreements with those non-Federal entities desiring to participate in project construction. Each such agreement shall include a statement that the non-Federal entities are capable of and willing to participate in project cost-sharing and financing in accordemce with terms of the agreement. At such time as the Secretry has executed a formal binding agreement and has determined that the non-Federal entities' financing plan demonstrates a reasonable likelihood of the non-Federal interest's ability to satisfy the terms and conditions of the agreement, the Secretary shall initiate construction at a project in accordance with such agreement: Provided further, That the funds appropriated herein shall lapse on June 30, 1986, if the agreement required herein for that project has not been executed. Within available funds, the Secretary of the Interior is directed to use $600,000 to rehabilitate the A Canal of the Klamath Project and associated facilities in accordance with the Federal reclamation laws for the purpose of providing flood control for adjacent lands on a nonreimbursable basis. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized and directed to treat all costs associated with the enlargement of the portion of the WEB pipeline which will carry water to the North Dakota State line at Emmons County as nonreimbursable and to enter into such contracts, amendments to contracts or other agreements as necessary. Within available funds, the Secretary of the Interior is directed to make $10,400,000 available to meet the obligations of Public Law 98530, dated October 19, 1984, to three irrigation districts. These funds will be used for replacement, rehabilitation, and repair of the water delivery system within the Yuma Mesa Irrigation and Drainage District including water pumping facilities; for on-farm and district water conservation and drainage measures of the Yuma Mesa Irrigation and Drainage District, the Yuma Irrigation District, and the North Gila Valley Irrigation District; and for payment to the fund established by the Central Arizona Water Conservation District for voluntary acquisition or conservation of water from sources within the State of Arizona for use in central Arizona in years when water supplies are reduced. In order to expedite the completion of the Hooker Dam or alternative of the Central Arizona Project (1) the selection of the preferred site for the Hooker Dam or alternative as authorized by section 301 of the Colorado River Basin Project Act shall be completed by August 15, 1985, (2) the initial draft environmental impact statement required for the Hooker Dam or alternative shall be completed and made available by September 1, 1986, (3) the final environmental impact statement for Hooker Dam or alternative shall be completed and made available by September 1, 1987, and (4) the Secretary of the Interior shall make a record of his decision as