Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 1.djvu/462

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

99 STAT. 440

PUBLIC LAW 99-93—AUG. 16, 1985

(7) from 1972 through 1982 the Soviet Union and Eastern European governments collectively increased their education exchange programs to Latin America and the Caribbean by 205 percent while those of the United States declined by 52 percent; (8) an undergraduate scholarship program for students of limited financial means from developing countries to study in the United States would complement current assistance efforts in the areas of advanced education and training of people of developing countries in such disciplines as are required for planning and implementation of public and private development activities; (9) the National Bipartisan Commission on Central America has recommended a program of 10,000 United States Government-sponsored scholarships to bring Central American students to the United States, which program would involve careful targeting to encourage participation by young people from all social and economic classes, would maintain existing admission standards by providing intensive English and other training, and would encourage graduates to return to their home countries after completing their education; and (10) it is also in the interest of the United States, as well as peaceful cooperation in the Western Hemisphere, that particular attention be given to the students of the Caribbean region. 22 USC 4703. SEC. 603. SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM AUTHORITY. President of U.S. (a) IN GENERAL.—The President, acting through the United States Information Agency, shall provide scholarships (including partial assistance) for undergraduate study at United States institutions of higher education by citizens and nationals of developing countries who have completed their secondary education and who would not otherwise have an opportunity to study in the United States due to financial limitations. (b) FORM OF SCHOLARSHIP; FORGIVENESS OF LOAN REPAYMENT.—To

encourage students to use their training in their countries of origin, each scholarship pursuant to this section shall be in the form of a loan with all repayment to be forgiven upon the student's prompt return to his or her country of origin for a period which is at least one year longer than the period spent studying in the United States. If the student is granted asylum in the United States pursuant to 8 USC 1158. section 208 of the Immigration and Nationality Act or is admitted to 8 USC 1157. the United States as a refugee pursuant to section 207 of that Act, half of the repayment shall be forgiven. President of U.S. (c) CONSULTATION.—Before allocating any of the funds made available to carry out this title, the President shall consult with United States institutions of higher education, educational exchange organizations. United States missions in developing countries, and the governments of participating countries on how to implement the guidelines specified in section 604. (d) DEFINITION.—For purposes of this title, the term "institution of higher education" has the same meaning as given to such term by 20 USC 1141. section 1201(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965. 22 USC 4704. SEC. 604. GUIDELINES. The scholarship program under this title shall be carried out in accordance with the following guidelines: (1) Consistent with section 112(b) of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange A.ct of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2460(b)), all