Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 1.djvu/515

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

PUBLIC LAW 99-117—OCT. 7, 1985 "(15) Of the amount to be used in any fiscal year for mental health activities, the State agrees to use not less than 10 percent of such amount to initiate and provide— "(A) in fiscal year 1985, new comprehensive community mental health services for underserved areas or for underserved populations, with special emphasis on new mental health services for severely disturbed children and adolescents; and "(B) in any other fiscal year, new or expanded comprehensive community mental health services for underserved areas or for underserved populations, with special emphasis on new or expanded mental health services for severely disturbed children and adolescents.". (3) Section 1916(g) is amended by inserting "or expanded" after "new" in the first sentence. (b) Section 1917(a) is amended— (1) by redesignating clauses (1), (2), (3), and (4) as clauses (A), (B), (C), and (D), respectively; (2) by inserting "(1)" after "(a)"; and (3) in clause (C) (as so redesignated), by inserting "or expanded" after "new". (c) Section 1920A is amended— (1) by striking out "part B of title XIX" in clause (1) and inserting in lieu thereof "this part"; and (2) by striking out "such part" each place it occurs in clause (2) and inserting in lieu thereof "this part",

99 STAT. 493

98 Stat. 2359, ^oJfcn QAA A 98 ^^^ 2359 42 USC 300x-5.

98 Stat. 2359. 42 USC 300x-9.


SEC. 8. (a) Section 309 is amended— (1) by inserting "GRANTS FOR A" before "COUNCIL" in the section heading; (2) by striking out "Council on Health Care Technology" and all that follows through "this section" in subsection (a)(1) and inserting in lieu thereof "council on health care technology"; (3) by inserting "(i)" before "The Secretary" in subsection (a)(2)(A); (4) by striking out "to the National Academy" and all that follows through "The amount of such grant" in subsection (a)(2)(A) and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "for the planning, development, and establishment of the council. The amount of an initial grant"; (5) by adding at the end of subsection (a)(2)(A) the following: "(ii) The Secretary shall request the National Academy of Sciences, acting through appropriate units, to submit an application for an initial grant under paragraph (1). If the Academy submits an acceptable application, the Secretary shall make the initial grant to the Academy. If the Academy does not submit an acceptable application for an initial grant under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall request one or more appropriate nonprofit private entities to submit an application for an initial grant under paragraph (1) and shall make a grant to the entity which submits the best acceptable application."; (6) by striking out "The Council shall" in subsection (c)(1) and inserting in lieu thereof "In order to qualify for a grant under this section for the operation of the council, the applicant must

98 Stat. 2820. 42 USC 242n.