Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 1.djvu/639

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

PUBLIC LAW 99-145—NOV. 8, 1985

99 STAT. 617

than pay and allowances of members of the reserve components called or ordered to active duty to provide support for the Tenth Pan Am Games). (4) The costs for pay and non-travel-related allowances of members of the Armed Forces (other than members of the reserve components called or ordered to active duty to provide support for the Tenth Pan Am Games) may not be charged to appropriations made pursuant to the authorization in paragraph (1). (c) DEFiNiTfON.—For the purposes of this section, the term "Tenth Pan Am Games" means the Tenth International Pan American Games, to be held at Indianapolis, Indiana, during the period beginning on August 7, 1987, and ending on August 23, 1987. SEC. 305. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR TRANSPORTATION OF HUMANITARIAN RELIEF SUPPLIES TO AFGHAN REFUGEES

(a) AUTHORIZATION OF FUNDS.—There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Department of Defense for fiscal year 1986 the sum of $10,000,000 for the purpose of providing transportation for humanitarian relief for persons displaced or who are refugees because of the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union. (b) TRANSPORTATION UNDER DIRECTION OF THE SECRETARY OF

STATE.—Transportation provided with funds appropriated pursuant to the authorization in this section shall be under the direction of the Secretary of State. (c) MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION TO B E USED.—Transportation for

humanitarian relief provided with funds appropriated pursuant to the authorization in this section shall be by the most economical commercial or military means available, unless the Secretary of State determines that it is in the national interest of the United States to use means other than the most economical available. Such means may include the use of aircraft and personnel of the reserve components of the Armed Forces. SEC. 306. EXTENSION AND EXPANSION OF AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE TO TRANSPORT HUMANITARIAN RELIEF SUPPLIES TO CERTAIN COUNTRIES

(a) Sectic^n 1540(a) of the Department of Defense Authorization Act, 1985 (Public Law 98-525; 98 Stat. 2637), is amended— (1) by striking out "fiscal year 1985" and inserting in lieu thereof "fiscal years 1985 and 1986"; and (2) by striking out "Central America" and inserting in lieu thereof "any area of the world". (b) The heading of section 1540 of such Act is amended to read as follows: "AUTHORIZATION FOR SECRETARY OF DEFENSE TO TRANSPORT HUMANITARIAN REUEF SUPPLIES TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES". SEC. 307. LIMITATIONS CONCERNING AIR NATIONAL GUARD AND AIR FORCE RESERVE FLYING UNITS

Funds appropriated to or for the use of the Secretary of the Air Force may not be used to deactivate or divest of its flying mission any flying unit of the Air National Guard or the Air Force Reserve until— (1) the Secretary has notified in writing the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives of the Secretary's intent to expend funds for such purpose; and

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