Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 1.djvu/651

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

PUBLIC LAW 99-145—NOV. 8, 1985

99 STAT. 629

"§5442. Navy: line officers on active duty: rear admirals (lower half) and rear admirals". (B) The item relating to such section in the table of sections at the beginning of chapter 533 of such title is amended to read as follows: "5442. Navy: line officers on active duty; rear admirals (lower half) and rear admirals.".

(7)(A) The heading of section 5444 of such title is amended to read 10 USC 5444. as follows: "§ 5444. Navy: staff corps officers on active duty; rear admirals (lower half) and rear admirals". (B) The item relating to such section in the table of sections at the beginning of chapter 533 of such title is amended to read as follows: "5444. Navy: staff corps officers on active duty; rear admirals (lower half) and rear admirals.".

(8) The table in section 741(a) of such title is amended by striking 98 Stat. 2873. out "Commodore" and inserting in lieu thereof "Rear admiral 10 USC 741. (lower half)". (c) (CONFORMING AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 14.—(1) The following

sections of title 14, United States C!ode, are amended by striking out "commodore" each place it appears and inserting in lieu thereof "rear admiral (lower half)": 42(b), 256(a), 259(b), 271(d), 289(a), 290(a), 421(b), 724(b), 729(e), 736(b), 740(a), 742(b), and 743. (2)(A) The heading of section 290 of such title is amended to read 14 USC 290. as follows: "§ 290. Rear admirals and rear admirals (lower half); continuation on active duty; involuntary retirement". (B) The item relating to such section in the table of sections at the beginning of chapter 11 of such title is amended to read as follows: "290. Rear admirals and rear admirals (lower half); continuation on active duty; involuntary retirement.".

(3)(A) The heading of section 743 of such title is amended to read as follows:

14 USC 743.

"§ 743. Rear admiral and rear admiral (lower half); maximum service in grade". (B) The item relating to such section in the table of sections at the beginning of chapter 21 of such title is amended to read as follows: "743. Rear admiral and rear admiral (lower half); maximum service in grade.".

(d) C!oNFORMiNG AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 37.—(1) The table in section 201(a) of title 37, United States C!ode, is amended by striking out 98 Stat. 2872. "Commodore" in the third column and inserting in lieu thereof "Rear admiral (lower half)". (2)(A) Section 202 of such title is amended by striking out "com- 37 USC 202. modore" and inserting in lieu thereof "rear admiral (lower half)". (B) The heading of such section is amended to read as follows: "§202. Pay grades: retired Coast Guard rear admirals (lower half)". (C) The item relating to such section in the table of sections at the beginning of chapter 3 of such title is amended to read as follows: "202. Pay grades: retired Coast Guard rear admirals (lower half).".