Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 1.djvu/817

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

PUBLIC LAW 99-151—NOV. 13, 1985 period at the end thereof the following: ", except that vouchers shall not be required for payment of long-distance telephone calls". HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MILEAGE OF MEMBERS

For mileage of Members, as authorized by law, $150,000. HOUSE LEADEBSHIP OFFICES

For salaries and expenses, as authorized by law, $3,357,000, including: Office of the Speaker, $775,000, including $18,000 for official expenses of the Speaker; Office of the Majority Floor Leader, $688,000, including $10,000 for official expenses of the Majority Leader; Office of the Minority Floor Leader, $767,000, including $10,000 for official expenses of the Minority Leader; Office of the Majority Whip, $603,000, including $1,000 for official expenses of the Majority Whip and not to exceed $145,540 for the Chief Deputy Majority Whip; Office of the Minority Whip, $524,000, including $1,000 for official expenses of the Minority Whip and not to exceed $76,840 for the Chief Deputy Minority Whip. SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES

For compensation and expenses of officers and employees, as authorized by law, $47,914,000, including: Office of the Clerk, $13,656,000; Office of the Sergeant at Arms, including overtime, as authorized by law, $18,269,000; Office of the Doorkeeper, includ^g overtime, as authorized by law, $6,678,000; Office of the Postmaster, $2,075,000, including $46,722 for employment of substitute messengers and extra services of regular employees when required at the salary rate of not to exceed $16,278 per annum each; Office of the Chaplain, $73,000; Office of the Parliamentarian, including the Parliamentarian and $2,000 for preparing the Digest of Rules, $623,000; for salaries and expenses of the Office for the Bicentennial of the House of Representatives, $219,000; for salaries and expenses of the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House, $859,000; for salaries and expenses of the Office of the Legislative Counsel of the House, $2,800,000; six minority employees, $434,000; the House Democratic Steering Committee and Caucus, $617,000; the House Republican Conference, $617,000; and Other Authorized Employees, $994,000. Such amounts as are deemed necessary for the payment of salaries of officers and employees under this head may be transferred between the various offices and activities within this appropriation, "Salaries, officers and employees", upon the approval of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives. COMMITTEEMPLOYEES

For professional and clerical employees of standing committees, including the Committee on Appropriations and the Committee on the Budget, $44,325,000.

99 STAT. 795